Goddess Nintur: The Sumerian Mother of Birth



Nintur, a revered goddess in ancient Sumerian mythology, is often associated with birth, fertility, and the nurturing aspects of motherhood. Also known as "Lady of the Mountain," Nintur holds a significant place in the pantheon of deities, embodying the life-giving and sustaining forces of nature. Her worship reflects the Sumerians' deep respect for the cycles of life and the essential role of mothers in both human and divine realms.

Origins and Mythology

Nintur's name means "Lady Birth," which directly points to her primary function as a goddess of childbirth and fertility. She is sometimes equated with or considered an aspect of other mother goddesses in the Sumerian pantheon, such as Ninhursag, Ninmah, and Mami. These deities share overlapping domains and attributes, emphasizing the importance of fertility and maternal care in Sumerian culture.

Nintur is often depicted in Sumerian texts and myths as a compassionate and nurturing figure, overseeing the process of birth and the growth of children. She is invoked by those seeking blessings for fertility, safe childbirth, and the health of infants.

Role in Sumerian Mythology

One of Nintur's most prominent roles is in the myth of creation. She is described as a midwife to the gods, assisting in the birth of deities and the creation of humanity. In some versions of the creation myth, Nintur, along with other goddesses, shapes human beings from clay, breathing life into them and setting them on their path in the world.

In these myths, Nintur's role is not limited to childbirth alone; she is also a protector and guide for the newborns, ensuring their well-being and growth. This dual role highlights her as both a creator and a sustainer, integral to the continuity of life.

Worship and Rituals

Nintur was worshipped in various temples throughout Sumer, with some of the most significant sites dedicated to her located in the city of Shuruppak. Rituals in her honor often involved offerings of food, drink, and other items symbolizing fertility and abundance.

Prayers and hymns dedicated to Nintur frequently sought her blessings for fertility, safe pregnancies, and the health of mothers and children. These rituals underscored the deep connection the Sumerians felt with their deities, seeking divine intervention in the most crucial aspects of their lives.

One notable aspect of Nintur's worship involved the use of amulets and charms believed to carry her protective powers. These items were often used by expectant mothers and those seeking to conceive, reflecting the goddess's widespread influence and importance.

Symbols and Depictions

Nintur is often depicted in Sumerian art and iconography as a maternal figure, sometimes holding an infant or surrounded by symbols of fertility such as grains, animals, and plants. These depictions reinforce her role as a life-giver and nurturer.

Common symbols associated with Nintur include the clay tablet, representing the creation of life, and the birth stool, symbolizing her role in childbirth. These icons were often used in rituals and offerings, serving as focal points for invoking the goddess's blessings.

Legacy and Influence

Nintur's legacy extends beyond ancient Sumer, influencing subsequent cultures in Mesopotamia and beyond. Her attributes and stories were integrated into the broader Mesopotamian religious framework, ensuring her continued reverence throughout the region's history.

In modern times, Nintur's story and attributes resonate with those interested in ancient mythology and the divine feminine. Her role as a nurturing mother and protector of life continues to inspire contemporary spiritual practices that honor fertility, motherhood, and the cycles of nature.


Goddess Nintur stands as a testament to the Sumerians' reverence for the life-giving and sustaining forces of nature. As a goddess of birth and fertility, she embodies the essential role of mothers in both human and divine realms. Her mythology and worship reflect the deep respect for the cycles of life that were central to Sumerian culture. Through the stories and rituals dedicated to her, Nintur's legacy as a compassionate and nurturing deity continues to be celebrated, highlighting the enduring significance of motherhood and creation in human history.

Daily Intention for Goddess Nintur

Today, I honor Nintur, the Great Lady of Birth and Fertility. As I begin this day, I set the intention to embrace her nurturing and life-giving spirit in all that I do.

May I find strength and compassion in my actions, just as Nintur provides for the growth and well-being of all life. Let her gentle guidance inspire me to cultivate kindness, care, and resilience in my interactions and endeavors.

With each step I take today, I strive to embody Nintur’s grace and nurturing energy, fostering growth and positive transformation in myself and those around me.

Hail Nintur, protector of mothers and children, may your blessings nourish my soul and guide my path.

So be it.

Guided Visualization Story with Goddess Nintur



Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in, and slowly exhale. Allow your body to relax and your mind to become calm. As you continue to breathe deeply and evenly, imagine yourself being transported to the ancient and fertile land of Sumer.

The Journey Begins:

You find yourself standing in a lush, green valley surrounded by gentle hills. The air is warm, and the scent of blooming flowers fills the air. Ahead of you, a path winds through the valley, inviting you to explore further. You begin to walk down this path, feeling the soft earth beneath your feet and the sun's warmth on your skin.

As you walk, you notice the vibrant life around you—plants and trees flourishing, birds singing, and a river flowing gently nearby. The sound of the water is soothing, and you feel a deep sense of peace and connection with nature.

Meeting Nintur:

In the distance, you see a radiant figure standing by the riverbank. She is Nintur, the goddess of birth and fertility. Her presence is nurturing and powerful, and she exudes a warm, maternal energy. Nintur’s hair flows like golden waves, and her eyes are filled with wisdom and compassion.

Nintur smiles and gestures for you to join her by the river. As you approach, you feel her comforting energy envelop you. She invites you to sit beside her on a soft, grassy patch, and you both gaze into the clear, flowing water.

The Nurturing Waters:

Nintur speaks to you in a gentle, soothing voice. She asks you to close your eyes and take a deep breath, feeling the connection between your breath and the cycles of nature. As you exhale, you release any tension or worries, allowing them to dissolve into the earth.

With your eyes still closed, Nintur guides you to visualize the river flowing gently before you. The water is clear and pure, symbolizing the flow of life and the nurturing energy of the earth. You feel the cool, refreshing water touch your fingertips, and it fills you with a sense of renewal and vitality.

Setting Your Intention:

Nintur now asks you to set a positive intention for yourself. Think about something you wish to cultivate in your life—be it growth, compassion, resilience, or something else that resonates with you. Visualize this intention as a bright, glowing seed in your heart, growing stronger with each breath.

Nintur places her hand on your shoulder, and you feel a surge of nurturing energy and support. She blesses your intention, infusing it with her life-giving force. You feel a deep sense of assurance that your intention will manifest, guided by her wisdom and the natural cycles of life.

Returning Home:

When you feel ready, slowly open your eyes and look around the lush valley once more. Take a moment to thank Nintur for her presence and guidance. She smiles warmly and assures you that she will always be with you, offering her nurturing care and support.

As you stand up, the scene around you begins to fade, and you find yourself back in your quiet, comfortable space. Take a deep breath in, slowly exhale, and gently open your eyes.

You feel refreshed, inspired, and connected to the ancient wisdom of Nintur. Carry this experience with you throughout your day, letting the energy of growth and nurturing guide you in all that you do.


Spend a few moments reflecting on your journey and the intentions you have set. Whenever you need to reconnect with this sense of peace and nurturing, remember your time with Nintur by the river. Let her spirit inspire you to find compassion and strength in your daily life.

Ritual in Honor of Goddess Nintur


To honor Nintur, the Sumerian goddess of birth and fertility, and to seek her blessings for nurturing, growth, and new beginnings.

Materials Needed:

1. A green or earth-toned candle
2. A bowl of water
3. Fresh flowers or a small plant
4. A bowl of soil or clay
5. Incense (such as sandalwood or myrrh)
6. A small offering bowl
7. Seeds or small grains
8. A journal and pen


1. Find a quiet and peaceful space where you can perform the ritual undisturbed.
2. Arrange the materials on a clean surface or an altar dedicated to Nintur.
3. Light the incense to create a sacred atmosphere.

Ritual Steps:

1. Opening Invocation:

Stand before your altar and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. As you exhale, visualize any stress or negativity leaving your body. Once you feel calm and focused, light the green or earth-toned candle and say the following invocation:

"Nintur, Great Lady of Birth and Fertility, I honor you today. May your nurturing spirit fill this space. Bless me with your presence and your wisdom. Hail Nintur, goddess of growth and new beginnings."

2. Blessing the Elements:

Take the bowl of water and hold it in your hands. Feel the connection to the life-giving properties of water. Say:

"Sacred water, source of life, I honor your purity and your power to nourish. May you cleanse and renew my spirit."

Place the bowl of water on the altar. Next, take the bowl of soil or clay and hold it. Feel the grounding energy of the earth. Say:

"Sacred earth, foundation of life, I honor your fertility and your power to sustain. May you provide strength and growth to all beings."

Place the bowl of soil or clay on the altar.

3. Creating the Sacred Space:

Arrange the fresh flowers or the small plant around the candle and the bowls. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty and harmony of the arrangement.


"Nintur, goddess of birth and fertility, I create this sacred space in your honor. May it be a place of nurturing, growth, and renewal."

4. Planting the Seeds:

Take the seeds or small grains and hold them in your hands. Visualize them as symbols of your intentions and desires for growth and new beginnings. Say:

"Nintur, I plant these seeds with a heart full of hope and gratitude. May your blessings bring growth, abundance, and new opportunities into my life."

Place the seeds into the bowl of soil or clay, covering them gently. If you are using a small plant, place it in the soil as well.

5. Setting Intentions:

Take your journal and pen. Write down an intention or a wish that you would like to manifest in your life. It could be related to growth, new beginnings, nurturing relationships, or personal development. Once you have written your intention, place the journal on the altar.


"Nintur, I set this intention with a heart full of gratitude. May your blessings guide and inspire me on my path. Hail Nintur, Great Lady of Birth."

6. Offering and Libation:

Pour a small amount of water from the bowl into the offering bowl as a libation to Nintur. You can also place a few petals or leaves in the offering bowl. Say:

"Nintur, accept this offering as a token of my respect and gratitude. May your wisdom and grace flow into my life."

7. Reflection and Meditation:

Sit quietly before the altar and gaze at the candle flame. Allow your mind to become still and open to any messages or insights that Nintur may offer. Spend a few minutes in silent meditation, feeling the connection to the goddess and the nurturing energy of the earth.

8. Closing the Ritual:

Stand before your altar and take a moment to feel the energy and blessings of Nintur surrounding you. When you are ready, say:

"Nintur, I thank you for your presence and your blessings. May your nurturing spirit guide me and your wisdom protect me. Hail Nintur, goddess of birth and fertility."

Extinguish the candle, symbolizing the end of the ritual.

After the Ritual:

Spend a few moments in quiet reflection. Write down any insights or feelings that came to you during the ritual in your journal. Keep your altar and the offering bowl in place for a day or two as a reminder of your connection to Nintur and the intentions you have set.


This ritual is a beautiful way to honor Nintur and invite her blessings into your life. By celebrating the cycles of birth and growth, you align yourself with the nurturing and life-giving energies of the earth.


Invocation to Goddess Nintur

Great Nintur, Lady of Birth and Fertility, Nurturer of life and guardian of new beginnings, I call upon you with reverence and devotion.

Nintur, your hands shape the clay of creation, Breathing life into the world with your sacred touch. You, who oversee the cycles of birth and growth, And protect the delicate balance of nature’s harmony.

Goddess of the fertile earth, Bless me with your nurturing spirit. Infuse my heart with your compassion and strength, Guide me in fostering growth and renewal in my life.

As the seeds sprout and flowers bloom, So too may my intentions and dreams flourish. Help me to embrace the rhythms of life’s cycles, With patience, resilience, and hope.

Nintur, I honor your life-giving presence, And the love you bestow upon all creation. May your blessings surround me and guide my path, As I walk in your sacred light.

Hail Nintur, goddess of birth and fertility, Great Lady, I honor you today and always. So be it.

Mantras and Prayers for Goddess Nintur

Simple Mantras:

1. "Hail Nintur, Lady of Birth and Fertility."
2. "Nintur, nurturer of life, bless and guide me."
3. "Nintur, goddess of growth, bring your abundance to my life."
4. "Nintur, protector of new beginnings, infuse me with your strength."
5. "Nintur, mother of creation, may your blessings flow through me."


1. Morning Prayer to Nintur:

"Nintur, Great Lady of Birth and Fertility, as the day begins, I seek your blessings and your guidance. Infuse my heart with your nurturing spirit, Help me to embrace the opportunities for growth and renewal. May your gentle strength support me in all my endeavors, And your wisdom light my path. Hail Nintur, I honor you this morning and always."

2. Prayer for Growth and Abundance:

"Nintur, goddess of fertility and growth, I seek your guidance and your blessings. Help me to nurture the seeds of my intentions, and to cultivate abundance in my life. May your life-giving energy flow through me, Bringing growth, prosperity, and renewal. Hail Nintur, bringer of abundance, bless me with your presence."

3. Prayer Before a New Beginning:

"Nintur, radiant mother of new beginnings, As I embark on this new journey, I call upon your guidance. Bless me with your nurturing spirit and your strength, help me to embrace change with courage and grace. May your protective energy surround me, and your wisdom guide me on this path. Hail Nintur, I honor you today and always."

4. Evening Prayer of Gratitude:

"Nintur, Great Lady of Birth and Fertility, As the day comes to a close, I offer you my gratitude. Thank you for the moments of growth and renewal, For the blessings and the lessons learned. May your nurturing presence continue to guide me, and your wisdom illuminate my path. Hail Nintur, I honor you tonight and always."

5. Prayer for Protection and Nurturing:

"Nintur, protector and nurturer of life, Wrap me in your loving and protective embrace. Guard me from harm and negativity and fill my space with your nurturing energy. May your blessings of growth and renewal surround me, Bringing strength, peace, and harmony. Hail Nintur, goddess of protection, I honor your care."

These mantras and prayers can be used to honor Nintur, invoking her blessings and presence in your daily life and spiritual practices.

Resources to Learn More About Goddess Nintur


1. "The Sumerians: Their History, Culture, and Character" by Samuel Noah Kramer

This book offers a comprehensive overview of Sumerian civilization, including their mythology and deities, providing context for understanding

2. Nintur's place in Sumerian culture.
"Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia: An Illustrated Dictionary" by Jeremy Black and Anthony Green

This reference work provides detailed entries on Mesopotamian gods, including Nintur, and their symbols and attributes.

3. "Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth: Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer" by Diane Wolkstein and Samuel Noah Kramer

While focusing on Inanna, this book offers insights into the broader Sumerian religious framework and mentions Nintur in the context of her family and mythology.

4. "The Treasures of Darkness: A History of Mesopotamian Religion" by Thorkild Jacobsen

This book delves into the religious beliefs and practices of ancient Mesopotamia, including the worship of deities like Nintur.

5. "Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, the Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others" by Stephanie Dalley

This collection of Mesopotamian myths includes various gods and goddesses, offering a broader understanding of the religious landscape in which Nintur was worshipped.

Articles and Academic Papers:

1. "Nintur and the Sumerian Pantheon: An Analysis"

Search for scholarly articles and papers that focus specifically on Nintur, her worship, and her significance in Sumerian mythology. Databases like JSTOR or Google Scholar can be helpful for accessing such resources.

2. "The Role of Nintur in Mesopotamian Religion"

Look for research papers and articles that explore the roles and attributes of Nintur, her relationship with other deities, and her influence on Mesopotamian religious practices.

Online Resources:

1. World History Encyclopedia

Offers articles and entries on various Mesopotamian gods and goddesses, including Nintur. This resource provides a comprehensive overview of her mythology and significance.

2. Ancient.eu (now World History Encyclopedia)

Provides accessible articles on ancient Mesopotamian deities and culture, useful for both general understanding and in-depth study.

3. Sumerian.org

Dedicated to the study of Sumerian culture and language, this site offers resources and links to scholarly articles on various Sumerian deities, including Nintur.

Museums and Exhibits:

1. The British Museum

Explore the Mesopotamian collection for artifacts and inscriptions related to Sumerian deities. The museum’s website also offers online resources and articles.

2. The British Museum - Mesopotamia
The Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago

Known for its extensive Mesopotamian artifacts, the Oriental Institute provides resources and online exhibits that can offer deeper insights into Sumerian religion and mythology.

3. The Louvre Museum

The Department of Near Eastern Antiquities houses a vast collection of artifacts from ancient Mesopotamia, including items related to Sumerian culture.

Online Courses and Lectures:

1. Coursera

Look for online courses on ancient civilizations, particularly those focusing on Mesopotamian history and religion. Universities often offer these courses through platforms like Coursera.

2. YouTube

Search for lectures and documentaries about Sumerian mythology and deities. Channels like CrashCourse and TED-Ed often provide educational content on ancient history.

These resources offer a variety of ways to learn more about Nintur and her place in Sumerian mythology, providing a comprehensive understanding of her significance and worship.