The Goddess Ninkasi: Sumerian Deity of Beer and Brewing



Ninkasi, a goddess from ancient Sumerian mythology, holds a special place in the pantheon as the deity of beer and brewing. Revered in a culture that deeply valued the production and consumption of beer, Ninkasi was not only a symbol of sustenance but also of social cohesion and celebration. Her worship highlights the significance of beer in Sumerian society, reflecting both the agricultural foundations and the communal aspects of ancient life.

Origins and Mythology

Ninkasi's origins are rooted in the rich mythological tapestry of Sumer, one of the earliest civilizations in Mesopotamia. She is often depicted as the daughter of Enki, the god of water, wisdom, and creation, and Ninhursag, the earth and mother goddess. This lineage places Ninkasi within a divine framework that underscores her importance and the essential nature of her domain.

The most famous account of Ninkasi comes from the "Hymn to Ninkasi," an ancient Sumerian poem that not only praises the goddess but also serves as an early recipe for brewing beer. This hymn illustrates the brewing process in poetic detail, celebrating Ninkasi's role in transforming water and grain into a life-sustaining and joyful beverage.

The Hymn to Ninkasi

The "Hymn to Ninkasi" is a significant piece of literature, providing insights into both the religious and practical aspects of Sumerian life. The hymn dates back to around 1800 BCE and is written in cuneiform on clay tablets. It describes the step-by-step process of brewing beer, from soaking the grain to fermentation, highlighting the sacred and communal nature of this craft.

Here are some excerpts from the hymn:

Ninkasi, you are the one who pours out the filtered beer of the collector vat, it is the onrush of the Tigris and Euphrates.

This hymn not only venerates Ninkasi but also reflects the integration of everyday activities with religious reverence. Beer, a staple in the Sumerian diet, was considered a divine gift, and its production was an act of worship.

Cultural Significance

In ancient Sumer, beer was more than just a drink; it was a dietary staple that provided essential nutrients. It was consumed daily by people of all ages and classes and was an important part of religious ceremonies and social gatherings. As the goddess of beer, Ninkasi played a crucial role in these aspects of Sumerian culture.

Beer production was primarily a female-dominated craft, and Ninkasi's worship underscores the significant role women played in both the domestic and religious spheres. The brewing of beer was a revered activity, often performed in temples and during festivals dedicated to the goddess.

Depictions and Symbols

Ninkasi is often depicted in Sumerian art and iconography with symbols associated with brewing and abundance. Common symbols include the beer jug, grain, and other agricultural elements. These depictions reinforce her connection to fertility, sustenance, and the prosperity of the land.

Modern Influence

The legacy of Ninkasi extends beyond ancient Sumer, influencing modern brewing culture. Several contemporary breweries and beer brands draw inspiration from her name and mythology, honoring her as the ancient patroness of brewers. This enduring legacy highlights the timeless appreciation for beer and its cultural significance.


Goddess Ninkasi stands as a testament to the integral role of beer in ancient Sumerian society. Her mythology reflects the deep connections between agriculture, religion, and daily life, illustrating how the Sumerians viewed the act of brewing as both a practical necessity and a sacred duty. Through the "Hymn to Ninkasi" and other cultural artifacts, her legacy continues to be celebrated, reminding us of the rich heritage of brewing and its divine origins.

Daily Intention for Goddess Ninkasi

Today, I honor Ninkasi, the ancient goddess of beer and brewing, who transforms the gifts of the earth into sustenance and joy. As I go about my day, I set the intention to embrace the spirit of creation and community that she embodies.

May I find joy in the simple pleasures and share them with others, fostering connections and celebrations in my daily life. I strive to cultivate gratitude for the abundance around me, and like Ninkasi, turn everyday acts into expressions of reverence and care.

With each step I take today, I remember the sacred art of transformation and the power of community. Let this intention guide me towards a day filled with purpose, creativity, and joy.

So be it.

Guided Visualization Story with Goddess Ninkasi


Find a comfortable and quiet place to sit or lie down. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in, and slowly exhale. Allow your body to relax and your mind to become calm. As you continue to breathe deeply and evenly, imagine yourself being transported to an ancient and fertile land, the land of Sumer.

The Journey Begins:

You find yourself standing in a lush, green field. The air is warm, and a gentle breeze carries the sweet scent of ripening barley. Ahead of you, you see a path lined with tall, golden grains swaying gently in the wind. You begin to walk down this path, feeling the earth firm beneath your feet and the warmth of the sun on your skin.

As you walk, you notice the distant sound of flowing water. The sound grows louder as you continue, and soon you arrive at the edge of a wide, sparkling river. The river is clear and cool, and it flows with a serene, constant rhythm. You feel a sense of peace and connection with the natural world around you.

Meeting Ninkasi:

Beside the river, you see a beautiful figure standing with grace and serenity. She is Ninkasi, the goddess of beer and brewing. Her presence radiates warmth and kindness. She has long, flowing hair that glistens like barley in the sun, and her eyes are as clear and deep as the river beside her. She smiles and beckons you to join her.

You step closer, feeling her welcoming energy envelop you. Ninkasi gestures to a small clearing by the river, where an array of brewing tools and ingredients are laid out: barley, water, honey, and fragrant herbs. She invites you to sit with her and learn the sacred art of brewing.

The Brewing Process:

Ninkasi begins to show you the ancient steps of brewing beer. Together, you soak the barley in the pure, cool river water. You feel the connection between the grains and the water, understanding how they will come together to create something nourishing and joyful.

Next, you watch as Ninkasi demonstrates how to grind the soaked barley into a fine mash. You take your turn, feeling the texture of the grains beneath your fingers and the rhythm of the grinding process. There is a meditative quality to this work, a sense of being fully present in the moment.

Ninkasi then adds honey and herbs to the mash, and you both mix the ingredients together. The aroma is sweet and comforting, filling the air with a sense of abundance and prosperity. You can see the transformation taking place, the merging of elements into a new and harmonious whole.

A Sacred Offering:

As the mixture ferments, Ninkasi speaks to you about the importance of intention in brewing. She explains that the energy you put into the process is infused into the final product. With her guidance, you take a moment to set a positive intention, infusing your brew with love, gratitude, and joy.

Ninkasi then pours a small amount of the brew into a beautifully carved cup and offers it to you. You take a sip, tasting the rich, complex flavors. It is more than just a drink; it is a symbol of connection, transformation, and the divine blessing of Ninkasi.

Returning Home:

With a heart full of gratitude and a spirit uplifted, you thank Ninkasi for her wisdom and guidance. She smiles and places a hand on your shoulder, blessing you with her presence and the knowledge she has shared.

As you turn to leave, the scene around you begins to fade, and you find yourself back in your quiet, comfortable space. You take a deep breath in, slowly exhale, and gently open your eyes.

You feel refreshed, inspired, and connected to the ancient wisdom of Ninkasi. Carry this experience with you throughout your day, letting the energy of transformation and joy guide you in all that you do.


Take a few moments to reflect on your journey and the lessons you've learned. Whenever you need to reconnect with this sense of peace and creativity, remember your time with Ninkasi by the river. Let her spirit inspire you to find joy and purpose in your everyday activities, just as she did in the ancient art of brewing.

Ritual in Honor of Goddess Ninkasi

Purpose: To honor Ninkasi, the Sumerian goddess of beer and brewing, and to celebrate the transformative power of creation, community, and abundance.

Materials Needed:

  • A small bowl of barley or other grains
  • A cup of beer or a non-alcoholic beverage if preferred
  • A bowl of water
  • Honey
  • Fresh herbs (such as mint or rosemary)
  • A candle
  • A small offering bowl
  • A journal and pen


  1. Find a quiet and peaceful space where you can perform the ritual undisturbed.
  2. Arrange the materials on a clean surface or an altar dedicated to Ninkasi
  3. Light the candle to create a sacred atmosphere.

Ritual Steps:

1. Opening Invocation:

Stand before your altar and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. As you exhale, visualize any stress or negativity leaving your body. Once you feel calm and focused, say the following invocation:

"Ninkasi, goddess of beer and brewing, I honor you today. May your wisdom and blessings flow through this sacred space. Guide me in the art of transformation, community, and joy. Hail Ninkasi!"

2.  Blessing the Elements:

Take the bowl of barley or grains and hold it in your hands. Feel the connection to the earth and the abundance it provides. Say:

"Blessed grains, gift of the earth, I honor your sustenance and the life you bring. May you be a symbol of abundance and transformation."

Place the bowl of grains back on the altar.

Next, take the bowl of water and say:

"Sacred water, source of life, I honor your purity and your power to nurture. May you cleanse and renew my spirit."

Place the bowl of water back on the altar.

3. Creating the Sacred Brew:

Take the cup of beer (or non-alcoholic beverage) and hold it in your hands. Add a drop of honey and a few fresh herbs to the cup. As you do this, visualize the transformation of simple ingredients into a divine beverage. Say:

"With honey and herbs, I honor the art of brewing. May this drink be a symbol of community, celebration, and the blessings of Ninkasi."

Stir the mixture gently and take a moment to appreciate its aroma and appearance.

4. Setting Intentions:

Take your journal and pen. Write down an intention or a wish that you would like to manifest in your life. It could be related to creativity, community, abundance, or personal transformation. Once you have written your intention, place the journal on the altar.


"Ninkasi, I set this intention with a heart full of gratitude. May your blessings guide and inspire me on my path."

Offering and Libation:
Pour a small amount of the beer (or beverage) into the offering bowl as a libation to Ninkasi. Say:

"Ninkasi, accept this offering as a token of my respect and gratitude. May your wisdom and grace flow into my life."

Take a sip of the remaining beverage, savoring its taste and the connection it represents.

5. Closing the Ritual:

Stand before your altar and take a moment to feel the energy and blessings of Ninkasi surrounding you. When you are ready, say:

"Ninkasi, I thank you for your presence and your blessings. May your spirit of transformation, joy, and abundance stay with me always. Hail Ninkasi!"

Extinguish the candle, symbolizing the end of the ritual.

After the Ritual:

Spend a few moments in quiet reflection. Write down any insights or feelings that came to you during the ritual in your journal. Keep your altar and the offering bowl in place for a day or two as a reminder of your connection to Ninkasi and the intentions you have set.


This ritual is a beautiful way to honor Ninkasi and invite her blessings into your life. By celebrating the transformative power of creation and community, you align yourself with the ancient wisdom and joy that she represents.


Invocation to Goddess Ninkasi

Great Ninkasi, Goddess of Beer and Brewing, Daughter of Enki and Ninhursag, you who bring forth the sacred drink, transforming water and grain into golden joy, We honor you today with open hearts and grateful spirits.

O Ninkasi, Mistress of the Mash and Mistress of the Mead, you who pour out the sweet nectar of life, Bless us with your presence and your wisdom. May your divine essence flow through our lives, Bringing creativity, community, and abundance.

You who turn the harvest into celebration, who inspire the hands of brewers and the hearts of drinkers, Guide us in the sacred art of transformation. Help us to see the magic in everyday moments, and to find joy in the simple pleasures of life.

Ninkasi, Keeper of the Sacred Brew, we offer you our thanks and our devotion. May your blessings be upon us as we honor you, In our gatherings, our toasts, and our creations. Hail Ninkasi, Goddess of Beer, bringer of joy!

So be it.

Mantras and Prayers to Ninkasi

Simple Mantras:

1. "Hail Ninkasi, bringer of joy."
2. "Ninkasi, goddess of the brew, bless my hands and heart."
3. "Ninkasi, may your spirit flow through my life."
4. "Gratitude to Ninkasi for abundance and celebration."
5. "Ninkasi, guide me in the art of transformation."


1. Morning Prayer to Ninkasi:

"Great Ninkasi, as the sun rises, I honor you. Bless this day with your spirit of joy and creativity. May my actions be inspired by your wisdom, and may I find celebration in the simple moments. Thank you for your presence in my life. Hail Ninkasi, goddess of the brew."

2. Prayer for Creativity and Transformation:

"Ninkasi, Mistress of the Sacred Brew, Guide me in the art of transformation. Help me to see the potential in raw materials, to turn the mundane into the magical, And to create with love and intention. Bless my endeavors with your divine touch, and let my creations bring joy and connection. Hail Ninkasi, bringer of creativity and change."

3. Prayer Before a Gathering or Celebration:

"Ninkasi, goddess of celebration and community, we gather in your honor and seek your blessings. May our hearts be filled with joy and our spirits lifted. Bless this gathering with your divine presence, and let our bonds be strengthened through shared moments. Thank you for the gift of connection and abundance. Hail Ninkasi, bringer of joy and unity."

4. Evening Prayer of Gratitude:

"Ninkasi, as the day comes to a close, I offer you my gratitude for your blessings. Thank you for the moments of joy and creativity, For the abundance and connections shared. May your spirit watch over me through the night, and may I wake with a heart full of gratitude. Hail Ninkasi, goddess of the brew."

5. Prayer for Abundance:

"Ninkasi, giver of the sacred brew, I seek your blessings of abundance. Fill my life with prosperity and joy and help me to share these blessings with others. May my actions and creations honor you and may your spirit of abundance flow through all I do. Hail Ninkasi, bringer of prosperity."

These mantras and prayers can be used to honor Ninkasi, invoking her blessings and presence in your daily life and spiritual practices.

Resources to Learn More About Goddess Ninkasi


1. "The Sumerians: Their History, Culture, and Character" by Samuel Noah Kramer

This book offers a comprehensive overview of Sumerian civilization, including their mythology and deities, providing context for understanding Ninkasi's place in Sumerian culture.

2. "Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth: Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer" by Diane Wolkstein and Samuel Noah Kramer

While primarily focused on the goddess Inanna, this book provides valuable insights into Sumerian mythology and religion, including references to other deities like Ninkasi.

3. "Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, the Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others" by Stephanie Dalley

This collection of Mesopotamian myths includes various gods and goddesses, offering a broader understanding of the religious landscape in which Ninkasi was worshipped.

4. "The Beer Bible" by Jeff Alworth

This book delves into the history of beer, including its ancient origins and the role of deities like Ninkasi in early brewing traditions.

Articles and Academic Papers:

1. "The Hymn to Ninkasi"

Search for translations and analyses of this ancient hymn, which is one of the primary sources of information about Ninkasi. Academic databases like JSTOR or Google Scholar can provide access to detailed studies and interpretations.

2. "The Origin and Ancient History of Wine" edited by Patrick E. McGovern, Stuart J. Fleming, and Solomon H. Katz

This collection includes discussions on the origins of alcoholic beverages, with references to ancient brewing practices and deities like Ninkasi.

Online Resources:

1. Ancient History Encyclopedia (now World History Encyclopedia)

Search for Ninkasi to find articles and entries that provide a comprehensive overview of her mythology and significance.


While primarily focused on Greek mythology, this site includes references to other ancient mythologies and can provide comparative insights.


Dedicated to the study of Sumerian culture and language, this site can offer resources and links to scholarly articles on various Sumerian deities, including Ninkasi.

Museums and Exhibits:

1. The British Museum

Explore the Mesopotamian collection for artifacts and inscriptions related to Sumerian deities. The museum’s website also offers online resources and articles.

2. The Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago

Known for its extensive Mesopotamian artifacts, the Oriental Institute provides resources and online exhibits that can offer deeper insights into Sumerian religion and mythology.

3. The Louvre Museum

The Department of Near Eastern Antiquities houses a vast collection of artifacts from ancient Mesopotamia, including items related to Sumerian culture.

These resources provide a wealth of information for anyone interested in learning more about Ninkasi and her role in ancient Sumerian culture. Whether through books, academic articles, online databases, or museum collections, you can explore the rich mythology and historical context of this fascinating goddess.