As we continue exploring Goddesses from the perspective of the Divine Feminine and exploring the rich history of those who have come before us, we at Wild Wandering, have the utmost respect for all religions and practices around the world, both past and present.

In the Hindu Goddess sections of our Divine Feminine series, we honor these deities with respect for their cultural and religious importance, while delving into their spiritual symbolism that can be protected and honored.

Each goddess embodies unique aspects of the Divine Feminine, offering timeless lessons in strength, compassion, wisdom, and nurturing. By understanding the stories and attributes of these goddesses, we aim to provide a deeper appreciation of their roles in both spiritual practice and everyday life, celebrating the powerful and nurturing essence of the feminine divine.

Furthermore, we recognize that the artistic depictions of these Goddesses might not conform to their traditional representations. We are infusing a contemporary and bohemian flair into our visuals to resonate with our modern audience and the general ambiance of our website.

We hold the sacred deities of Hinduism in the highest regard, and through raising awareness and providing education to our readers, we aim to foster a greater understanding of our diverse cultures and traditions, thereby cultivating respect for our varied beliefs around the world.

It is our sincere desire that we have captured the essence of Uma historically and accurately, and welcome feedback related to anything that may be inappropriate or inaccurate. 

Wild Wandering

Embracing the Divine Feminine: A Deep Dive into the Goddess Uma

The rich tapestry of Hindu mythology is woven with stories of powerful deities, each embodying unique aspects of the cosmos. Among these divine figures, Goddess Uma stands out as a symbol of grace, wisdom, and strength. Also known as Parvati, she is the consort of Lord Shiva and the mother of Ganesha and Kartikeya. Her stories are interwoven with profound spiritual lessons, making her a central figure in Hindu worship and mythology.

Origins and Names

Goddess Uma is known by many names, each reflecting different facets of her persona. The name "Uma" itself is believed to have a significant origin. According to one story, the sage Narada once advised the young goddess to practice severe penance (tapas) to win the love of Lord Shiva. Seeing her daughter's intense austerities, Goddess Maina, her mother, cried out, "U Ma" (Oh, do not), thus giving her the name Uma. This name highlights her determination and the loving concern of her family.

Uma is also widely known as Parvati, which means "daughter of the mountains," signifying her birth as the daughter of King Himavan, the personification of the Himalayas, and Queen Mena. Other names include Shakti (power), Annapurna (provider of food), and Gauri (the fair one), each symbolizing different attributes she embodies.

The Story of Her Union with Shiva

The union of Uma and Shiva is one of the most celebrated tales in Hindu mythology, representing the perfect blend of cosmic energy. According to the legends, Parvati was Sati in her previous birth, the first consort of Shiva. After Sati's self-immolation in a yajna (sacrificial fire), Shiva was heartbroken and retreated into deep meditation.

Parvati was born with the sole purpose of reuniting with Shiva. Her devotion to Shiva was unwavering, and she performed rigorous penance to win his heart. Impressed by her dedication, Shiva accepted her as his consort, thus symbolizing the reunion of Shakti (feminine energy) and Shiva (masculine energy). Their union is celebrated during the festival of Maha Shivaratri, which marks the convergence of these divine energies.

Uma as the Mother Goddess

Uma is revered as the nurturing mother of Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, and Kartikeya, the god of war. Her role as a mother is deeply cherished in Hindu households, where she is invoked for blessings, prosperity, and the well-being of children.

One of the most heartwarming stories of Uma as a mother involves the creation of Ganesha. According to the myth, Parvati created Ganesha from the sandalwood paste she used for her bath and breathed life into him. She then assigned him to guard her door while she bathed. When Shiva returned and was denied entry by the loyal Ganesha, a battle ensued, resulting in Ganesha's head being severed. Seeing Parvati's distress, Shiva replaced Ganesha's head with that of an elephant, thus reviving him and blessing him as one of the most beloved deities in Hinduism.

Uma in Spiritual Practices

Worship of Goddess Uma is widespread in India, with numerous temples dedicated to her. One of the most famous shrines is the Meenakshi Amman Temple in Madurai, where she is worshipped as Meenakshi, the fish-eyed goddess. Her festivals, such as Navaratri and Durga Puja, are celebrated with great fervor, involving elaborate rituals, dances, and music.

Devotees believe that invoking Uma's blessings can lead to spiritual awakening and inner strength. She is seen as a guide who helps her followers navigate the complexities of life with grace and courage. Her stories encourage individuals to cultivate patience, devotion, and resilience.

The Symbolism of Uma

Goddess Uma's stories are rich with symbolism. Her penance and devotion to Shiva symbolize the power of perseverance and the importance of inner strength. Her role as a mother highlights the nurturing aspect of the divine, reminding devotees of the importance of love, care, and protection.

Uma is often depicted with a serene expression, holding a lotus, which symbolizes purity and spiritual enlightenment. The imagery of her sitting alongside Shiva on Mount Kailash represents the balance of energies and the harmony of the universe.


Goddess Uma, with her multifaceted persona, continues to inspire millions. Her tales are not just stories but profound teachings that offer insights into leading a balanced and fulfilling life. Whether it is through her unwavering devotion, her role as a nurturing mother, or her embodiment of strength and wisdom, Uma remains a beacon of hope and a symbol of divine grace in the hearts of her devotees.

Exploring the stories and significance of Goddess Uma allows us to connect with the timeless wisdom of Hindu mythology, encouraging us to embrace the divine feminine within and around us.

Daily Intention for Goddess Uma


"Today, I embrace the strength, grace, and wisdom of Goddess Uma. I honor her dedication and perseverance, and I invoke her blessings to guide me through challenges with patience and love. May I embody her nurturing spirit, finding balance and harmony within myself and in my interactions with others."


Strength and Perseverance: Reflect on Goddess Uma's unwavering devotion and her ability to overcome obstacles through determination. Think about an area in your life where you need to apply this strength.

Grace and Wisdom: Consider the serene and wise nature of Uma. How can you bring more grace and wisdom into your daily actions and decisions?

Nurturing Spirit: Emulate Uma's nurturing aspect by showing care and love to yourself and those around you. Identify ways to support and uplift others.


"I am strong, graceful, and wise. Like Goddess Uma, I face my challenges with patience and nurture myself and others with love."


Meditation: Spend a few minutes in meditation, visualizing Goddess Uma and feeling her presence.

Mantra: Chant the mantra "Om Uma Maheshwari Namaha" to invoke her energy and blessings.

Acts of Kindness: Perform a small act of kindness, nurturing someone in need or offering support to a friend or family member.

By setting this intention, you align yourself with the divine qualities of Goddess Uma, fostering a day filled with strength, wisdom, and nurturing energy.

Guided Visualization Exercise with Goddess Uma

Purpose: This guided visualization is designed to help you connect with the energy of Goddess Uma, embodying her strength, wisdom, and nurturing spirit.


-Find a quiet, comfortable place where you won't be disturbed.
-Sit or lie down in a relaxed position.
-Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.
-Let go of any tension in your body and clear your mind of distractions.
Guided Visualization:


Imagine roots growing from the soles of your feet, deep into the earth.
Feel the solid, grounding energy of the earth supporting you.

Creating the Sacred Space:

-Visualize a beautiful garden surrounding you, filled with vibrant flowers, lush greenery, and the soothing sounds of nature.
-In the center of this garden, see a serene pond with crystal-clear water reflecting the sky.

Invoking Goddess Uma:

-Picture a soft, golden light descending from above, gently enveloping you.
-In the center of this light, see Goddess Uma appearing, radiating grace, wisdom, and strength.
-She is adorned in exquisite attire, with a serene smile and a lotus in her hand.

Connecting with Uma:

-As she approaches, feel her loving and nurturing energy filling your heart.
-Hear her gentle voice as she invites you to sit by the pond with her.
-Feel a sense of peace and tranquility wash over you in her presence.

Receiving Guidance:

-Ask Goddess Uma for guidance or support in an area of your life where you seek strength or wisdom.
-Listen quietly, allowing any insights or messages to come through.
-Feel her reassurance and unconditional love, knowing that you are supported.

Embodying Her Qualities:

-Visualize yourself absorbing the golden light that surrounds Uma, filling your entire being.
-Imagine yourself embodying her strength, grace, and wisdom in your daily life.
-See yourself handling challenges with patience, nurturing yourself and others with love.

Expressing Gratitude:

-Thank Goddess Uma for her presence and guidance.
-Visualize her light gradually receding, leaving you with a lasting sense of her energy within you.

Returning to the Present:

-Slowly bring your awareness back to your physical surroundings.
-Wiggle your fingers and toes, and take a few deep breaths.
-When you're ready, open your eyes, feeling refreshed and empowered.

-After completing the visualization, take a few moments to reflect on your experience.

-Write down any insights or messages you received and consider how you can integrate the qualities of Goddess Uma into your daily life.

By regularly practicing this guided visualization, you can strengthen your connection with Goddess Uma and cultivate her divine attributes within yourself, enhancing your spiritual journey and personal growth.

Ritual in Honor of Goddess Uma

Purpose: This ritual is designed to honor Goddess Uma, invoking her blessings for strength, wisdom, and nurturing energy. It can be performed during auspicious times, such as on Fridays, Navaratri, or during special occasions dedicated to her.

Materials Needed:

-An image or idol of Goddess Uma
-Fresh flowers (preferably white or red)
-Incense sticks
-A small lamp (diya) with ghee or oil
-Offerings such as fruits, sweets, or milk
-A small bowl of water
-Sandalwood paste or kumkum
-A clean white cloth

Cleanse the Space: Begin by thoroughly cleaning the area where you will perform the ritual. Lay a clean white cloth on the altar or surface where the image or idol of Uma will be placed.

Setting Up the Altar:

-Place the image or idol of Goddess Uma in the center.
-Arrange fresh flowers around her.
-Light the incense sticks and place them in a holder nearby.
-Prepare the lamp with ghee or oil and place it on the altar.
Ritual Steps:

Invocation: Sit comfortably in front of the altar. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
Visualize a serene, golden light surrounding you and the space.

Chant the following mantra to invoke Goddess Uma's presence:

Om Uma Maheshwari Namaha

Offering Flowers:

-Take a handful of fresh flowers and offer them to the image or idol, saying:

O beloved Uma, I offer these flowers to you as a symbol of my devotion and love. May your grace and blessings fill my heart and home.

Lighting the Lamp:

Light the lamp and place it before the goddess. Say:

May this light illuminate my path and bring your divine wisdom into my life.

Applying Sandalwood Paste or Kumkum:

Apply a small amount of sandalwood paste or kumkum to the forehead of the image or idol, as well as to your own forehead, symbolizing the connection with the divine.

Offering Food:

Present the fruits, sweets, or milk to Goddess Uma, saying:

O gracious Uma, please accept these humble offerings. May they nourish and sustain the divine presence within me.

Sprinkling Water:

Gently sprinkle water around the altar and over yourself, purifying the space and your spirit.

Personal Prayer:

Spend a few moments in silent prayer or meditation, expressing your personal wishes, gratitude, and seeking guidance.

You may say:

O Uma, embodiment of grace and strength, guide me through life's challenges with your wisdom and love. Help me nurture myself and those around me with compassion and kindness.

Closing the Ritual:

Conclude the ritual by bowing to the goddess and expressing your gratitude.

Chant the mantra once more:

Om Uma Maheshwari Namaha


After the Ritual:

-Distribute the offered food as prasad (blessed food) among family members or consume it yourself.
-Allow the incense and lamp to burn out naturally.
-Reflect on the presence and energy of Goddess Uma throughout your day, carrying her blessings with you.

By performing this ritual, you honor Goddess Uma and invite her divine qualities into your life, fostering a deeper connection with her nurturing and powerful essence.


An additional invocation to Uma:

O Divine Mother Uma, Goddess of Grace and Wisdom, You who are the embodiment of compassion and strength, The gentle consort of Lord Shiva, the mother of Ganesha and Kartikeya, We humbly bow before you.

O radiant one, adorned with the glow of a thousand suns, Your presence brings light to the darkest corners of our hearts. Grant us the fortitude to face life’s challenges with unwavering faith, And the wisdom to navigate the complexities with clarity.

O nurturing mother, you who sustain and protect all creation, Fill our hearts with your boundless love and compassion. Guide us to walk the path of righteousness and virtue, And to embrace all beings with kindness and empathy.

O Parvati, daughter of the mountains, whose devotion moved the Lord, May your blessings flow upon us like the sacred Ganga, Purifying our minds, bodies, and souls.

O Uma, may your divine energy inspire us to reach our highest potential, May your strength empower us to overcome all obstacles, And may your grace illuminate our lives with joy and peace.

In your sacred name, we offer our prayers and devotion, Om Uma Maheshwari Namaha.

Notes on the Invocation

This invocation draws upon the key attributes and stories associated with Goddess Uma, also known as Parvati. She is celebrated for her strength, wisdom, nurturing nature, and unwavering devotion to Lord Shiva. The invocation aims to honor her and seek her blessings for strength, wisdom, compassion, and guidance. It can be used during personal prayer, rituals, or spiritual gatherings to invoke her divine presence and blessings.

Prayers and Mantras for Goddess Uma

1. Om Uma Maheshwari Namaha

Om Uma Maheshwari Namaha

Meaning: Salutations to Uma, the great goddess.

Use: This mantra is a simple and powerful invocation to seek blessings from Goddess Uma. Chanting it regularly can bring peace, strength, and wisdom into one’s life.

2. Uma Stuti

A beautiful prayer to Goddess Uma, often recited during worship and rituals:

Sarva Mangala Mangalye Shive Sarvartha Sadhike,
Sharanye Tryambake Gauri Narayani Namostute.

Meaning: "O auspicious one, who brings auspiciousness to all, who is the fulfiller of all objectives, Who is the source of refuge, who has three eyes, O beautiful Gauri, we bow to you, O Narayani."

Use: Recite this stuti to invoke the blessings of Goddess Uma for overall well-being and success in all endeavors.

3. Durga Kavach

Part of the Durga Saptashati, the Durga Kavach is a powerful protection prayer that can be dedicated to Goddess Uma:


Om Durga Durgati Nashini,
Durga Vyapannakarini,
Durga Adharaa-Dhara Sthitaa,
Durga Haa Durga Maarini.

Meaning: "Salutations to Durga, who destroys all difficulties, who is the remover of obstacles, who is the support of the earth, and who destroys the evil forces."

Use: Chanting the Durga Kavach provides protection and strength, invoking the goddess's power to remove difficulties.

4. Parvati Ashtottara Shatanamavali

This is a collection of 108 names of Goddess Parvati (Uma), each name signifying a unique attribute of the goddess:

Example Names:

Om Gauri Devi Namaha – Salutations to the Goddess who is fair.
Om Shambhavi Namaha – Salutations to the Goddess who is the consort of Shambhu (Shiva).
Om Aparna Namaha – Salutations to the Goddess who performed penance without consuming even leaves.

Use: Reciting these names with devotion is believed to bring the goddess’s blessings for prosperity, health, and spiritual growth.

5. Uma Sahasranama

A thousand names of Goddess Uma, each name embodying a different attribute and glory of the goddess.


Om Haimavati Namaha – Salutations to the daughter of Himavat (the Himalayas).
Om Jagatmata Namaha – Salutations to the mother of the universe.
Om Bhavani Namaha – Salutations to the consort of Lord Shiva.

Use: Chanting or meditating on these names is a profound practice for deepening one’s connection with Goddess Uma and receiving her divine grace.

Performing the Mantras and Prayers

Create a Sacred Space: Set up an altar with an image or idol of Goddess Uma. Light a lamp and incense.
Cleanse Yourself: Take a bath and wear clean clothes to prepare yourself for the prayer.
Offerings: Prepare offerings such as flowers, fruits, sweets, and water.


Begin by invoking Lord Ganesha to remove obstacles.

Chanting: Recite the chosen mantra or prayer with focus and devotion. You can use a mala (prayer beads) to keep count if chanting multiple times.
Offerings: Offer the prepared items to the goddess with reverence.
Meditation: Spend a few moments in silent meditation, visualizing the presence of Goddess Uma and feeling her blessings.


Conclude the prayer session with a bow and express gratitude to the goddess.

By incorporating these prayers and mantras into your spiritual practice, you can deepen your connection with Goddess Uma and invite her divine energy into your life.

Resources to learn more about Goddess Uma:

To learn more about Goddess Uma, there are several resources you can utilize, including books, websites, scholarly articles, and multimedia content.

Here are some recommendations:


1. "Devi: Goddesses of India" edited by John Stratton Hawley and Donna Marie Wulff

This book explores various goddesses in Hinduism, including Parvati/Uma, providing scholarly insights into their worship and significance.

2. "Hindu Goddesses: Visions of the Divine Feminine in the Hindu Religious Tradition" by David Kinsley

This comprehensive study covers major Hindu goddesses, including Uma, and discusses their myths, iconography, and roles within the Hindu tradition.

3. "The Book of Durga" by Ramesh Menon

While primarily focused on Durga, this book provides context about Uma and her manifestations, as Durga is considered an aspect of Parvati.



Provides detailed articles on various aspects of Hindu deities, including Uma/Parvati, her mythology, worship, and significance.


Offers accessible and engaging summaries of Hindu myths, including stories about Uma.


Encyclopedia entries on Parvati/Uma that cover historical, cultural, and religious aspects.

Scholarly Articles


A digital library with access to scholarly articles and papers on Hinduism and its deities. Searching for "Uma" or "Parvati" will yield academic studies and analyses.

2. Google Scholar

Another resource for finding scholarly articles and research papers about Goddess Uma and her various aspects.

Multimedia Resources

1. YouTube

Channels like "Hindu Academy" and "Epified" provide videos on Hindu mythology, including stories and teachings about Uma/Parvati.


1. Podcasts such as "Stories of Mahabharata" and "Mythological Podcast" often feature episodes on Hindu deities, including Uma.

Visiting Temples and Attending Festivals

1. Temples

Visiting temples dedicated to Goddess Parvati/Uma, such as the Meenakshi Amman Temple in Madurai, provides a first-hand experience of her worship and cultural significance.

2. Festivals

Participating in Hindu festivals like Navaratri and Maha Shivaratri offers deeper insights into the rituals and celebrations associated with Uma.

By exploring these resources, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of Goddess Uma, her myths, worship, and her significance in Hinduism.