As we continue exploring Goddesses from the perspective of the Divine Feminine and exploring the rich history of those who have come before us, we at Wild Wandering, have the utmost respect for all religions and practices around the world, both past and present.

In the Hindu Goddess sections of our Divine Feminine series, we honor these deities with respect for their cultural and religious importance, while delving into their spiritual symbolism that can be protected and honored.

Each goddess embodies unique aspects of the Divine Feminine, offering timeless lessons in strength, compassion, wisdom, and nurturing. By understanding the stories and attributes of these goddesses, we aim to provide a deeper appreciation of their roles in both spiritual practice and everyday life, celebrating the powerful and nurturing essence of the feminine divine.

Furthermore, we recognize that the artistic depictions of these Goddesses might not conform to their traditional representations. We are infusing a contemporary and bohemian flair into our visuals to resonate with our modern audience and the general ambiance of our website.

We hold the sacred deities of Hinduism in the highest regard, and through raising awareness and providing education to our readers, we aim to foster a greater understanding of our diverse cultures and traditions, thereby cultivating respect for our varied beliefs around the world.

It is our sincere desire that we have captured the essence of Sita historically and accurately, and welcome feedback related to anything that may be inappropriate or inaccurate. 

Wild Wandering

Goddess Sita: The Epitome of Virtue and Devotion


Goddess Sita, a revered figure in Hindu mythology, is the epitome of virtue, devotion, and strength. She is best known as the wife of Lord Rama and the central female character in the ancient Indian epic, the Ramayana. Her story is one of love, sacrifice, and unwavering fidelity, making her an enduring symbol of the ideal woman in Hindu culture.


Birth and Early Life

Goddess Sita's origins are as miraculous as her life. According to the Ramayana, Sita was discovered as an infant in a furrow of a plowed field by King Janaka of Mithila, who adopted her as his daughter. This miraculous birth symbolizes purity and divine origin, as Sita is believed to be an incarnation of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity.

Raised in the royal household of Mithila, Sita was known for her beauty, intelligence, and piety. Her virtues and skills were unmatched, and tales of her grace and wisdom spread far and wide.


Swayamvara and Marriage to Rama

Sita's marriage to Lord Rama is one of the most celebrated events in Hindu mythology. King Janaka organized a swayamvara, a ceremony where Sita would choose her husband from among the assembled suitors. The challenge was to string the great bow of Shiva, a task only the mightiest could achieve.

Many princes and warriors failed to lift the bow, but Rama, the prince of Ayodhya, not only lifted and strung the bow but also broke it, winning Sita's hand in marriage. Their union symbolized the perfect harmony of dharma (righteousness), love, and mutual respect.


Exile and Trials

Sita's life took a dramatic turn when Rama was exiled to the forest for fourteen years due to a promise made by his father, King Dasharatha, to Rama's stepmother, Kaikeyi. Demonstrating her unwavering devotion and love, Sita chose to accompany Rama into exile, forsaking the comforts of the palace for the hardships of forest life.

During their exile, the demon king Ravana abducted Sita, leading to one of the most pivotal moments in the Ramayana. Despite being imprisoned in Lanka, Sita remained steadfast in her love for Rama and her faith in his eventual rescue. Her time in captivity is marked by her unwavering chastity and devotion, as she endured Ravana's advances and the isolation with remarkable resilience.


The Rescue and Agni Pariksha

Rama, with the help of his loyal devotee Hanuman and an army of monkeys, waged a war against Ravana to rescue Sita. The battle culminated in Ravana's defeat and Sita's liberation. However, upon her return, Sita's purity was questioned due to her time in Ravana's captivity.

To prove her chastity, Sita underwent the Agni Pariksha, a trial by fire. She emerged unscathed, reaffirming her purity and righteousness. This event highlights Sita's unwavering faith and her ability to withstand even the harshest tests of character.


Life in Ayodhya and Final Exile

After their return to Ayodhya and Rama's coronation as king, Sita's trials were not over. Despite proving her purity, doubts persisted among some citizens of Ayodhya. To uphold the honor of his kingdom and fulfill his duties as a king, Rama reluctantly exiled the pregnant Sita to the forest.

In the hermitage of Sage Valmiki, Sita gave birth to and raised her twin sons, Lava and Kusha. Her life in the forest was one of quiet dignity and unwavering devotion to her duties as a mother and a follower of dharma.


Return to the Earth

Sita's story concludes with a poignant act of self-determination and divine grace. After reuniting with Rama and presenting their sons to him, Sita invoked her mother, Bhumi Devi (Mother Earth), to take her back if she had remained pure and true. In a dramatic and divine response, the earth opened up and took Sita into her embrace, symbolizing her return to her divine origin.


Symbolism and Legacy

Goddess Sita's life is a testament to the virtues of patience, loyalty, and unwavering devotion. She embodies the ideal qualities of a wife, daughter, and mother, serving as an exemplar for women in Hindu culture. Her story teaches the importance of adhering to one's principles and maintaining integrity even in the face of adversity.

Sita is also a symbol of resilience and inner strength. Despite enduring immense suffering and trials, she never wavered in her devotion to dharma and her love for Rama. Her ability to face hardships with grace and dignity inspires millions of devotees around the world.


Worship and Reverence

Sita is worshipped alongside Rama in many temples across India and other parts of the world. Festivals such as Rama Navami, which celebrates the birth of Rama, and Diwali, commemorating Rama and Sita's return to Ayodhya, are occasions for honoring Sita's virtues and her role in the Ramayana.

Devotees often recite the Ramayana and other texts, such as the Sundara Kanda, which detail Sita's trials and her unwavering devotion. Through these practices, they seek to imbibe the qualities of love, patience, and righteousness that Sita exemplified.



Goddess Sita's story is a profound narrative of love, sacrifice, and divine grace. Her life, marked by extraordinary trials and unwavering faith, continues to inspire and teach the values of virtue, devotion, and inner strength. As the embodiment of the ideal woman in Hindu tradition, Sita remains a beacon of hope and a source of spiritual strength for countless devotees.

May Goddess Sita's blessings fill your life with love, strength, and unwavering faith. Jai Sita Ram!

Daily Intention for Goddess Sita

Intention: Embracing Devotion, Strength, and Grace

Today, I invoke the presence of Goddess Sita, the embodiment of virtue, devotion, and unwavering strength. May her divine grace inspire me to approach life with patience, love, and resilience. I seek her blessings to remain steadfast in my commitments and to face challenges with courage and dignity. As I move through my day, I will honor Sita by practicing compassion, staying true to my principles, and nurturing the bonds of love and family. Jai Sita Ram.

 Guided Visualization: Connecting with the Divine Grace of Goddess Sita


Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position, and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, inhaling peace and exhaling any tension or stress. Allow your mind to settle and your heart to open to the divine presence of Goddess Sita.

Guided Visualization:

Begin by imagining yourself standing at the edge of a beautiful, serene forest. The sunlight filters through the tall trees, casting a gentle, golden glow on the forest floor. You hear the soft rustling of leaves and the melodic songs of birds, creating a symphony of natural tranquility.

As you walk along a path through the forest, you feel a sense of peace and connection with nature. The path leads you to a clearing, where you see a magnificent garden filled with vibrant flowers and lush greenery. In the center of the garden, there is a graceful, ancient tree with a wide, welcoming canopy.

Beneath this tree, seated on a simple yet elegant throne made of natural elements, is Goddess Sita. She radiates a serene and compassionate aura, her eyes filled with kindness and wisdom. She is adorned in simple yet beautiful attire, symbolizing her purity and connection to the earth.

You feel drawn to her presence and approach her with reverence. As you reach her, Sita looks at you with a loving smile, her eyes reflecting the depth of her devotion and strength. She gestures for you to sit beside her under the tree.

As you sit down, you feel a wave of calm and grace enveloping you. The energy of the sacred space soothes your mind and heart, allowing you to fully relax and connect with the divine presence of Sita.

Take a moment to focus on your breath, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly. With each breath, imagine yourself absorbing the divine qualities of Goddess Sita – her patience, love, and unwavering strength.

In this sacred space, silently express any questions, concerns, or desires you hold within your heart. Know that Sita listens with infinite compassion and understanding.

Gently, Sita begins to speak, her voice soft and soothing. She shares her wisdom with you:

"Beloved soul, remember that true strength lies in patience and love. Face life’s challenges with courage and integrity, and trust that you have the inner strength to overcome any obstacle. Nurture your relationships with compassion and stay true to your principles, for they are the foundation of a life well-lived. Know that I am always with you, guiding and supporting you on your journey."

Take a few moments to absorb her message, feeling her divine presence filling you with confidence and peace. Visualize a golden light emanating from Sita, enveloping you in a warm, protective embrace. This light symbolizes her blessings, offering you strength, guidance, and love.

When you are ready, thank Goddess Sita for her guidance and blessings. Know that you can return to this sacred space and connect with her whenever you need.

Gradually, bring your awareness back to the present moment. Feel the ground beneath you and the air around you. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, gently open your eyes.


Carry the blessings and wisdom of Goddess Sita with you as you go about your day. Let her divine grace guide you, bringing patience, love, and strength into your life. Remember, you are connected to the divine energy of Sita, capable of facing any challenge with dignity and courage.

Jai Sita Ram.

A Beautiful Ritual in Honor of Goddess Sita


This ritual is designed to honor Goddess Sita, inviting her divine grace, strength, and unwavering devotion into your life. Choose a serene and sacred space where you can perform this ritual without interruptions. Gather all the necessary items beforehand, and approach the ritual with a heart full of reverence and devotion.

Items Needed:

- A small statue or image of Goddess Sita
- Fresh flowers (preferably lotus or jasmine)
- Incense sticks (sandalwood or jasmine)
- A bowl of water
- A candle
- A bell or chime
- Fruits or sweets as offerings
- A clean cloth or mat to sit on
- Yellow or white cloth (to drape over the altar or as offerings)
- Essential oils (optional, for anointing)
- A small bowl of rice
- A small diya (oil lamp) or candle


Step-by-Step Ritual:

1. Preparation:

  • Cleanse the space where you will perform the ritual. Light incense and move it around the area while chanting a simple mantra such as:"Om Sita Ram."
  • Place the statue or image of Goddess Sita in the center of your altar or a clean, dedicated space.


2. Setting the Intention:

  • Sit comfortably on the cloth or mat in front of your altar. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
  • Silently set an intention for the ritual. This could be to invite Sita’s grace into your life, to seek her guidance and blessings, or to honor her divine presence.


3. Invocation:

  •  Light the candle and place it in front of the statue or image of Sita.
  • Light the incense sticks and place them in an incense holder. As the fragrant smoke rises, imagine it carrying your prayers and intentions to the divine.
  • Ring the bell or chime gently three times to signify the beginning of the ritual and to invite the presence of Goddess Sita.


4. Offering:

  • Offer fresh flowers to the statue or image of Sita, placing them gently around her.
  • Take the yellow or white cloth and drape it over the altar or place it near the statue as a sign of reverence and devotion.
  • Offer fruits or sweets as a token of your love and devotion. Place them in front of the statue or image.
  •  If using essential oils, anoint your forehead and the statue or image of Sita with a few drops, symbolizing purity and divine connection.


5. Prayer and Meditation:

  • Sit quietly and focus on the image of Goddess Sita. Visualize her divine form radiating grace, compassion, and strength.
  •  Recite the following prayer or any other prayer dedicated to Sita that resonates with you:

         Om Shri Sita Ramaya Namaha


Salutations to the divine couple, Sita and Rama, who embody love, devotion, and righteousness.


6. Chanting Mantras:

  • Chant the following mantra dedicated to Sita, allowing its vibrations to fill your heart and space:
         Om Sitaaya Namaha


I bow to Goddess Sita

  • Repeat the mantra 108 times using a mala (prayer beads) if you have one.


7. Visualization:

  • Close your eyes and visualize a radiant light emanating from Goddess Sita, filling you with her energy. Feel her grace, compassion, and strength enveloping you.
  • Spend a few moments in silent meditation, absorbing her divine energy and wisdom.


8. Lighting the Diya (Oil Lamp):

  • Light the diya or candle and place it in front of the statue or image of Sita. The light symbolizes her divine presence and guidance.
  • Offer a small bowl of rice, symbolizing abundance and sustenance.


9. Closing the Ritual:

  • Gently bow your head and thank Goddess Sita for her presence and blessings.
  • Ring the bell or chime three times to signify the end of the ritual.
  • Extinguish the candle and incense, and allow the offerings to remain on the altar for a while as a sign of respect.


10. Reflection:

  • Take a few moments to reflect on the experience and any insights or feelings that arose during the ritual.
  • Journal your thoughts and any messages you felt from Sita, keeping a record of your spiritual journey.


An invocation to Goddess Sita:

Om Sita, Divine Mother of Virtue and Devotion,
Embodiment of Grace and Strength,
We call upon you with hearts full of reverence and love.

O Sita, born from the sacred earth,
Your purity and righteousness shine like the sun.
You who chose the path of love and sacrifice,
We honor you and seek your divine presence.

You are the devoted wife of Lord Rama,
The nurturing mother of Lava and Kusha,
Your life is a testament to unwavering faith,
And your spirit embodies resilience and compassion.

Om Sita, your journey through trials and tribulations,
Inspires us to face our challenges with courage.
Your grace in adversity and steadfast devotion,
Guide us to live with integrity and love.

Beloved Goddess, we humbly bow to you,
And ask for your blessings and protection.
Fill our hearts with your divine energy,
Empower us with patience and strength,
Nurture us with your boundless love,
And guide us with your infinite wisdom.

Om Shri Sita Ramaya Namaha,
We invoke your sacred presence,
In our hearts, in our lives,
In all that we do and all that we are.

May your divine light illuminate our path,
May your grace bring peace and harmony,
And may we always honor and serve you,
O Sita, embodiment of love and virtue.

Om Sita Namaha.



Performing this ritual in honor of Goddess Sita can bring a deep sense of connection and inspiration, inviting her divine grace and wisdom into your life. By honoring Sita, you embrace the qualities of love, patience, and resilience, guiding you on your path toward personal and spiritual growth.


Mantras and Prayers in Honor of Goddess Sita

Mantras for Goddess Sita

1. Sita Mantra

This simple mantra invokes the divine presence and blessings of Goddess Sita.


Om Shri Sitaaya Namaha

Meaning: I bow to Goddess Sita.

2. Sita Ram Mantra

This mantra honors the divine couple, Sita and Rama, symbolizing their eternal love and devotion.


Om Shri Sita Ramaya Namaha

Meaning: Salutations to the divine couple, Sita and Rama.

3. Sita Gayatri Mantra

The Gayatri Mantra dedicated to Sita invokes her divine energy and blessings.


Om Janakiyai Vidmahe
Bhumiputriyai Dhimahi
Tanno Sita Prachodayat

Meaning: We meditate on Sita, daughter of King Janaka. Born of the earth, may Sita inspire and enlighten us.

4. Sita Sharanagati Mantra

This mantra expresses surrender to Goddess Sita, seeking her protection and grace.


Sita Sharanagati Vratam
Shri Sita Ramachandraya Namaha

Meaning: I take refuge in Sita. Salutations to Sita and Rama.


Prayers for Goddess Sita

1. Sita Vandana

A heartfelt prayer honoring Goddess Sita and seeking her blessings.

Namah Sitaayai Mahaa Bhaaratyai
Janakii Janma Bhoomyai Cha
Namah Suputraayai Mahaa Lakshmi
Raamaaya Bhaktavaatsalaayai

Meaning: Salutations to Sita, the great queen, born in the land of Mithila. Salutations to the devoted wife of Rama, mother of noble sons, and embodiment of Mahalakshmi. I bow to you.

2. Sita Stuti

A prayer extolling the virtues of Goddess Sita and seeking her divine grace.


Janakya Tanayaam Rameya Manasaam
Tathaa Pavitrataam
Pavitrayati Yaa Sita Sadaahnaat
Namaste Sitaaya Nityaam
Shubhraam Shaantyaam Namaha
Namah Pavitram Gunaateetaam
Namah Sitaaya Namaha

Meaning: Salutations to Sita, daughter of King Janaka, whose heart is united with Rama. She who sanctifies and purifies, and who forever bestows virtue and peace. I bow to you, Sita, the embodiment of purity and transcendence.

3. Sita Chalisa

A forty-verse hymn dedicated to Goddess Sita, praising her virtues and seeking her blessings.

Verse Example:

Jai Siya Ram Jai Jai Siya Ram
Janaki Mata Jai Jai Siya Ram
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Siya Ram
Jai Siya Ram Jai Jai Siya Ram

Meaning: Victory to Sita and Rama, Mother Janaki, victory to Sita and Rama. Glory to Sita and Rama, victory to Sita and Rama.

4. Sita Ashtakam

An eight-verse hymn dedicated to Goddess Sita, praising her divine qualities and seeking her blessings.


Namami Sitam Sarva Loka Natham
Bhajami Sitam Surya Koti Varnam
Tato Namaste Janakya Tanaya
Rame Mana Sthaa Pavitrayanti

Meaning: I bow to Sita, the lord of all worlds, radiant as countless suns. I offer my prayers to Sita, daughter of Janaka, whose heart is united with Rama, purifying all who remember her.

Incorporate these mantras and prayers into your daily spiritual practices, rituals, or meditations to honor and connect with Goddess Sita.

Additional Resources to Learn More About Goddess Sita


1. "The Ramayana" by Valmiki

The original epic that details the life and journey of Rama and Sita. Many translations and adaptations are available, offering various perspectives on their story.

2. "Sita: An Illustrated Retelling of the Ramayana" by Devdutt Pattanaik

This book provides a modern retelling of Sita's story with beautiful illustrations, making it accessible and engaging for contemporary readers.

3. "The Forest of Enchantments" by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

A novel that offers a feminist retelling of the Ramayana from Sita's perspective, delving into her emotions, thoughts, and experiences.

4. "Sita: Warrior of Mithila" by Amish Tripathi

Part of the "Ram Chandra" series, this book reimagines Sita as a warrior and a leader, providing a fresh perspective on her character and role.

5. "The Book of Ram" by Devdutt Pattanaik

While focused on Rama, this book also explores the relationship between Rama and Sita, offering insights into her character and her significance in the epic.

Websites and Online Articles:


Offers detailed articles and resources on Hindu deities, including Goddess Sita. 


2. Learn Religions

This site has numerous articles about Hinduism, including comprehensive information about Goddess Sita. 


3. ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness)

The official website of ISKCON offers a wealth of information about Hindu deities, including Sita, and includes articles, lectures, and devotional practices.

4. BBC Religion

The BBC Religion website provides an overview of Hinduism and features specific articles about Hindu deities, including Sita. BBC Religion

Videos and Documentaries:

1. YouTube

Educational channels on YouTube like "Epic TV," "Hindu Mythology," and "Geethanjali - Music and Chants" offer documentaries, lectures, and devotional chants related to Goddess Sita.

2. "Sita Sings the Blues"

An animated film by Nina Paley that retells the Ramayana from Sita's perspective, blending traditional and modern storytelling techniques.

3. "Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama"

An animated film that depicts the story of the Ramayana, providing a visual representation of Sita’s journey.

Courses and Lectures:

1. Coursera and edX

These platforms offer courses on Hinduism and Indian mythology, which include sections on Goddess Sita. Look for courses related to Hindu mythology, religious studies, or South Asian traditions.

2. The Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies

Offers online courses and lectures on various aspects of Hinduism, including the study of deities like Sita. OCHS

Temples and Cultural Centers:

1. Local Hindu Temples

Visiting a Hindu temple and speaking with the priests or participating in temple activities can provide a wealth of information and a deeper understanding of Sita.

2. Cultural Centers

Indian cultural centers and organizations often host lectures, workshops, and festivals that celebrate Hindu deities, including Sita.

Academic Journals and Articles:

1. Google Scholar

Search for academic papers and articles on Goddess Sita to find scholarly resources and detailed studies about her significance and worship.


Access a wide range of academic journals and articles that provide in-depth research on Sita and related topics in Hindu studies.

Social Media and Online Communities:

1. Facebook Groups and Pages

Join groups and pages dedicated to Hinduism and spiritual practices where members share insights, stories, and resources about Sita.

2. Reddit

Subreddits like r/Hinduism and r/Spirituality can provide community discussions and resources about Sita.


By exploring these resources, you can gain a deeper understanding of Goddess Sita, her mythology, and her significance in Hindu tradition. Whether through books, online articles, videos, courses, or community interactions, these resources will help you connect with the divine grace and wisdom of Sita.