As we continue exploring Goddesses from the perspective of the Divine Feminine and exploring the rich history of those who have come before us, we at Wild Wandering, have the utmost respect for all religions and practices around the world, both past and present.

In the Hindu Goddess sections of our Divine Feminine series, we honor these deities with respect for their cultural and religious importance, while delving into their spiritual symbolism that can be protected and honored.

Each goddess embodies unique aspects of the Divine Feminine, offering timeless lessons in strength, compassion, wisdom, and nurturing. By understanding the stories and attributes of these goddesses, we aim to provide a deeper appreciation of their roles in both spiritual practice and everyday life, celebrating the powerful and nurturing essence of the feminine divine.

Furthermore, we recognize that the artistic depictions of these Goddesses might not conform to their traditional representations. We are infusing a contemporary and bohemian flair into our visuals to resonate with our modern audience and the general ambiance of our website.

We hold the sacred deities of Hinduism in the highest regard, and through raising awareness and providing education to our readers, we aim to foster a greater understanding of our diverse cultures and traditions, thereby cultivating respect for our varied beliefs around the world.

It is our sincere desire that we have captured the essence of Parvati historically and accurately, and welcome feedback related to anything that may be inappropriate or inaccurate. 

Wild Wandering

Embracing the Divine Feminine: The Enigmatic Grace of Goddess Parvati

In the vast pantheon of Hindu deities, Goddess Parvati stands as a beacon of grace, love, and strength. As the consort of Lord Shiva, Parvati embodies the perfect balance of feminine energy, merging tenderness with resilience. Her story is one of devotion, transformation, and empowerment, making her a revered figure in Hindu mythology and a source of inspiration for countless devotees.


The Origins and Symbolism of Parvati

Goddess Parvati is often depicted as a beautiful woman with a serene expression, adorned in vibrant clothing and exquisite jewelry. Her name, Parvati, means "daughter of the mountains," reflecting her origins as the daughter of King Himavan, the ruler of the Himalayas. This mountainous background symbolizes her strength and steadfastness, as mountains are often seen as unmovable and eternal.


The Divine Union: Parvati and Shiva

The union of Parvati and Shiva is one of the most celebrated aspects of her mythology. Their relationship symbolizes the harmonious balance between male and female energies. Parvati's unwavering devotion and penance to win Shiva's heart exemplify her determination and love. Despite the challenges and obstacles, her devotion remains unshaken, showcasing the power of true love and perseverance.

Their relationship also highlights the concept of Ardhanarishvara, a composite form of Shiva and Parvati, where they are depicted as one entity, half male and half female. This form represents the indivisibility of masculine and feminine principles, emphasizing that both are essential for the creation and sustenance of the universe.


Parvati's Many Incarnations

Parvati's story is rich with various incarnations, each representing different aspects of her divine nature. Some of her most notable forms include:

Durga: As Durga, Parvati transforms into a fierce warrior goddess, embodying strength and protection. She rides a lion and wields various weapons, symbolizing her ability to combat evil and injustice.

Kali: In her form as Kali, Parvati represents the destructive aspect of time and change. This fearsome form, often depicted with a garland of skulls and a protruding tongue, signifies the power of creation and destruction inherent in nature.

Annapurna: As Annapurna, Parvati becomes the goddess of nourishment and food. She is often depicted holding a bowl of rice, symbolizing her role in providing sustenance and abundance to her devotees.

Gauri: In this form, Parvati is depicted as a fair and beautiful goddess, symbolizing purity, fertility, and domestic bliss. She is often invoked by women seeking marital happiness and family harmony.


The Lessons of Goddess Parvati

Goddess Parvati's narrative is rich with lessons that resonate deeply with her followers. Here are a few key teachings we can draw from her life and mythos:

Devotion and Determination: Parvati's unwavering devotion to Shiva teaches us the power of perseverance and the importance of staying true to our goals, even in the face of challenges.

Balance and Harmony: Her relationship with Shiva emphasizes the need for balance in our lives, highlighting the importance of integrating both masculine and feminine energies to achieve harmony.

Transformation and Empowerment: Through her various avatars, Parvati shows us that transformation is a vital part of growth. Embracing different aspects of ourselves and adapting to change can lead to empowerment and self-realization.

Nourishment and Abundance: As Annapurna, Parvati reminds us of the significance of providing for others and fostering a sense of abundance in our lives, both materially and spiritually.

Honoring Goddess Parvati

Devotees of Goddess Parvati honor her through various rituals and celebrations. Some of the most notable include:

Navratri: This nine-night festival celebrates the different forms of the goddess, with special rituals and prayers dedicated to Parvati and her avatars.

Mahashivratri: This festival marks the divine marriage of Parvati and Shiva, with devotees fasting and offering prayers to seek their blessings.

Daily Worship: Many devotees incorporate daily prayers and offerings to Parvati, seeking her guidance and blessings in their everyday lives.


Goddess Parvati's story is a testament to the strength, resilience, and transformative power of the feminine divine. Her various forms and teachings provide a rich tapestry of lessons and inspirations for her devotees. By embracing the qualities of devotion, balance, and empowerment that Parvati embodies, we can navigate the challenges of life with grace and resilience, finding harmony within ourselves and the world around us.

May the blessings of Goddess Parvati guide you on your spiritual journey, filling your life with love, strength, and abundance.

Daily Intention for Goddess Parvati
Intention: Embracing Inner Strength and Harmony

Today, I invoke the grace and strength of Goddess Parvati. May I embody her resilience and compassion, finding balance in all aspects of my life. As Parvati's unwavering devotion guides me, I seek to cultivate inner peace and harmony, embracing both my feminine and masculine energies. With her wisdom, may I navigate challenges with grace and transform obstacles into opportunities for growth. Let my actions reflect love, determination, and a commitment to nurturing myself and those around me. Om Shakti, Om Parvati.

Guided Visualization: Embracing the Divine Presence of Goddess Parvati


Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position, and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, inhaling peace and exhaling any tension or stress. Allow your mind to settle and your heart to open to the divine presence of Goddess Parvati.

Guided Visualization:

Begin by imagining yourself standing at the base of a majestic mountain. The air is crisp and filled with the scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth. This is the sacred mountain of Himavan, the realm of Goddess Parvati.

As you take your first steps on the path leading up the mountain, feel the ground beneath your feet, solid and supportive. With each step, you feel lighter, more at peace. The path is lined with lush greenery and vibrant flowers, their colors and fragrances soothing your senses.

Ahead, you see a radiant light glowing at the mountain's peak. This light draws you closer, filling you with a sense of warmth and serenity. As you approach, you realize it is the divine presence of Goddess Parvati, emanating pure love and strength.

Now, imagine yourself entering a sacred grove at the mountain’s summit. The grove is bathed in a golden light, and at its center stands Goddess Parvati. She is resplendent, adorned in beautiful silks and precious jewels, her eyes filled with infinite compassion and wisdom.

Parvati smiles at you, her presence calming and empowering. You feel a deep connection with her, as if she understands your heart’s deepest desires and fears. She beckons you to come closer, inviting you to sit beside her.

As you sit, feel the energy of the goddess envelop you, like a warm embrace. You are in the presence of the Divine Mother, the source of all creation and nurturing. Take a moment to express any concerns or desires you hold within your heart. Speak to her silently, knowing she hears you.

Parvati gently places her hand on your heart, and you feel a surge of divine energy flowing through you. This energy heals and strengthens you, dissolving any fears or doubts. You feel empowered, capable of facing any challenge with grace and resilience.

In this sacred space, Parvati shares her wisdom with you. Listen to her words, feeling them resonate deeply within your soul:

"Beloved child, embrace your inner strength and resilience. Know that you are never alone; my love and guidance are always with you. Trust in your journey, and let your heart lead the way. Balance your energies, and find harmony within. You are a manifestation of divine love and power."

Take a few moments to absorb her message, feeling her divine presence imbue you with confidence and peace. When you are ready, thank Goddess Parvati for her guidance and blessings. Know that you can return to this sacred grove and connect with her whenever you need.

Gradually, bring your awareness back to the present moment. Feel the ground beneath you and the air around you. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, gently open your eyes.


Carry the blessings and wisdom of Goddess Parvati with you as you go about your day. Let her divine energy guide you, bringing balance, love, and strength into your life. Remember, you are a manifestation of the divine, capable of great love and resilience.

Om Shakti, Om Parvati.

A Ritual in Honor of Goddess Parvati


This ritual is designed to honor Goddess Parvati, inviting her divine presence into your life to bring balance, love, and strength. Choose a quiet and serene space where you can perform this ritual without interruptions. Gather all the necessary items beforehand, and approach the ritual with a heart full of devotion and reverence.

Items Needed:

  • A small statue or image of Goddess
  • Parvati
  • Fresh flowers (preferably lotus or roses)
  • Incense sticks (sandalwood or jasmine)
  • A small bowl of rice
  • A bowl of water
  • A candle
  • A bell or chime
  • Fruits or sweets as offerings
  • A clean cloth or mat to sit on


Step-by-Step Ritual:

1. Preparation:

  • Cleanse the space where you will perform the ritual. You can do this by lighting incense and moving it around the area while chanting a simple mantra such as "Om Shakti, Om Parvati."
  • Place the statue or image of Goddess Parvati in the center of your altar or a clean, dedicated space.

2. Setting the Intention:

  • Sit comfortably on the cloth or mat in front of your altar. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
  • Silently set an intention for the ritual. This could be to invite Parvati's blessings into your life, to seek her guidance, or to honor her divine presence.



  • Light the candle and place it in front of the statue or image of Parvati.
  • Light the incense sticks and place them in an incense holder. As the fragrant smoke rises, imagine it carrying your prayers and intentions to the divine.
  • Ring the bell or chime gently three times to signify the beginning of the ritual and to invite the presence of Goddess Parvati.


  • Offer fresh flowers to the statue or image of Parvati, placing them gently around her.
  • Take the bowl of rice and offer a few grains at her feet, symbolizing abundance and prosperity.
  • Offer fruits or sweets as a token of your love and devotion. Place them in front of the statue or image.

Prayer and Meditation:

  • Sit quietly and focus on the image of Goddess Parvati. Visualize her divine form radiating love, strength, and compassion.
  • Recite the following prayer or any other prayer dedicated to Parvati that resonates with you:

Om Parvati Mata, Goddess of Grace and Strength, I bow to you with love and reverence. Fill my heart with your divine light, guide me with your wisdom and might. Bless my life with harmony and peace, in your presence, may all troubles cease.

Om Shakti, Om Parvati.

  • After the prayer, spend a few moments in silent meditation, absorbing the energy and blessings of Goddess Parvati.

Closing the Ritual:

  • Gently bow your head and thank Goddess Parvati for her presence and blessings.
  • Ring the bell or chime three times to signify the end of the ritual.
  • Extinguish the candle and incense, and allow the offerings to remain on the altar for a while as a sign of respect.



  • Take a few moments to reflect on the experience and any insights or feelings that arose during the ritual.
  • Journal your thoughts and any messages you felt from Parvati, keeping a record of your spiritual journey.


Performing this ritual in honor of Goddess Parvati can bring a deep sense of connection and devotion, inviting her divine energy into your life.

An additional invocation to Parvati:


Om Shakti Parvati, Mother Divine, With love and devotion, to you I incline. You, who dwell in the mountains high, With strength and grace, you touch the sky.

Wife of Shiva, Goddess of Light, Guide me through both day and night. Mother of the universe, compassionate and wise, Bless me with your eternal ties.

Om Parvati, Source of Life, Help me overcome all strife. With your nurturing embrace, Fill my heart with love and grace.

Om Jagadamba, Queen of Hearts, In your wisdom, new life starts. Grant me courage, grant me peace, In your presence, my worries cease.

Mother Parvati, hear my plea, Bless me with your divinity. May your love and strength impart, Harmony and joy within my heart.

Om Shakti, Om Parvati, bless me so, With your guidance, let my spirit grow. In your light, I find my way, Grateful for you, every day.

Om Shakti, Om Parvati.

Feel free to integrate this invocation into your ritual for an enhanced spiritual experience. This can be chanted after lighting the candle and incense, deepening the connection with Goddess Parvati.

Mantras and Prayers for Goddess Parvati

1. Om Parvati Namah

This simple yet powerful mantra is used to invoke the blessings of Goddess Parvati. It helps in seeking her guidance, protection, and love.


Om Parvati Namah

Meaning: I bow to Goddess Parvati.

2. Parvati Mantra for Strength and Courage

This mantra is specifically chanted to gain strength, courage, and resilience, drawing from Parvati's divine energy.


Om Hreem Shreem Parvatyai Namah

Meaning: I bow to Goddess Parvati, who embodies strength and prosperity.

3. Parvati Mantra for Harmony and Peace

This mantra is chanted to bring harmony and peace into one’s life, promoting a balanced and serene existence.


Om Shanti Parvatyai Namah

Meaning: I bow to Goddess Parvati, the embodiment of peace.

4. Annapurna Mantra

As the goddess of nourishment, Parvati in her form as Annapurna ensures abundance and sustenance. This mantra invokes her blessings for food and nourishment.


Om Annapurnayai Namah

Meaning: I bow to Goddess Annapurna, who provides nourishment.

5. Prayer for Devotion and Guidance

This prayer is recited to seek Parvati’s divine guidance and unwavering devotion in one's spiritual journey.


Om Shakti Parvati, Goddess Divine,
With a heart full of love, I seek your sign. Guide me through life’s winding way, bless me with devotion, each and every day.

Mother of the universe, source of light,
In your wisdom, everything is right.
Grant me strength, peace, and grace,
In your presence, I find my place.

Om Parvati, compassionate and wise,
Help me see through your loving eyes.
Fill my heart with your divine love,
Bless me from the heavens above.

Om Shakti, Om Parvati, I call to you,
With faith and love, my heart is true.
Guide my steps, and light my path,
In your embrace, I find my bath.

Om Parvati, Mother Divine,
In your light, let my spirit shine.
Om Shakti, Om Shakti, Om Parvati.

6. Shlokas for Parvati

Traditional shlokas are recited to honor and praise the various attributes of Goddess Parvati.

Shloka 1:

Sarva Mangala Mangalye
Shive Sarvartha Sadhike
Sharanye Trayambake Gauri
Narayani Namostute

Meaning: Oh Goddess, who is the auspiciousness in all auspicious things, who is the consort of Shiva and grants every desire of the devotee, who is the refuge of all and who has three eyes, O Gauri, I bow to you.

Shloka 2:

Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu
Matrirupena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai
Namastasyai Namo Namah

Meaning: To the Goddess who resides in all beings in the form of the Mother, I bow to her again and again.

Here are some resources where you can learn more about Goddess Parvati:


1. "Hindu Goddesses: Visions of the Divine Feminine in the Hindu Religious Tradition" by David Kinsley:

This book provides an in-depth exploration of various Hindu goddesses, including Parvati, their mythology, and their significance in Hindu tradition.

2. "The Myths and Legends of India: An Introduction to the Study of Hinduism" by Donald A. Mackenzie:

This book offers a comprehensive overview of Indian mythology, including detailed sections on Goddess Parvati and her various forms.

3. "Parvati: Goddess of Love and Power" by Devdutt Pattanaik:

Devdutt Pattanaik is a well-known author and mythologist who provides a detailed and accessible account of Goddess Parvati’s stories and significance.

4. "In Praise of the Goddess: The Devimahatmya and Its Meaning" by Devadatta Kali:

This book focuses on the Devimahatmya, a key text in Shaktism, and explores the various aspects of the Divine Mother, including Parvati.

Websites and Online Articles:


A comprehensive site that offers detailed articles on Hinduism, including sections dedicated to Goddess Parvati and her mythology.

2. Learn Religions:

The Learn Religions website has a section on Hinduism with numerous articles about Goddess Parvati, her significance, and her different forms.

3. BBC Religion:

The BBC Religion website provides a general overview of Hinduism and features specific articles about Hindu deities, including Parvati.

Videos and Documentaries:

1. YouTube:

There are numerous educational channels on YouTube that offer documentaries and lectures on Hindu mythology. Channels like "Epic TV" and "Hindu Mythology" often feature content about Goddess Parvati.

2. The Story of Parvati and Shiva – Indian Mythology Animated:

This is an animated retelling of the story of Parvati and Shiva, which can be found on various streaming platforms and educational YouTube channels.

Courses and Lectures:

1. Coursera and edX:

These platforms offer courses on Hinduism and Indian mythology, which include sections on Goddess Parvati. Look for courses related to Hindu mythology, religious studies, or South Asian traditions.

2. The Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies:

They offer online courses and lectures on various aspects of Hinduism, including the study of goddesses like Parvati.

Temples and Cultural Centers:

1. Local Hindu Temples:

Visiting a Hindu temple and speaking with the priests or participating in temple activities can provide a wealth of information and a deeper understanding of Goddess Parvati.

2. Cultural Centers:

Indian cultural centers and organizations often host lectures, workshops, and festivals that celebrate Hindu deities, including Parvati.
By exploring these resources, you can gain a deeper understanding of Goddess Parvati, her mythology, and her significance in Hindu tradition.