Goddess Nanshe: The Sumerian Deity of Social Justice and Prophecy

In the rich tapestry of Sumerian mythology, Goddess Nanshe emerges as a beacon of social justice, prophecy, and the care of the vulnerable. Revered in ancient Mesopotamia, Nanshe's influence spanned from the protection of the marginalized to the interpretation of dreams and omens. This deep dive explores her origins, her roles, and her lasting legacy in the spiritual and cultural landscape of Sumer.


Origins and Attributes

Nanshe, daughter of the god Enki (also known as Ea) and the goddess Ninhursag, was one of the major deities in the Sumerian pantheon. She was primarily worshipped in the city of Lagash, where her temple, the Sirara, stood as a center of religious and social activity.

Nanshe was associated with several key aspects:

1. Social Justice: Nanshe was seen as the protector of orphans, widows, and the poor. She was also the patroness of social equity and justice, often depicted as a compassionate and fair deity who ensured that the vulnerable were cared for and that justice was administered.

2. Prophecy and Dreams: Known for her ability to interpret dreams and omens, Nanshe was sought after for guidance and foresight. Her role as a prophetess made her a crucial figure in the spiritual lives of the Sumerians.

3. Water and Fertility: Like many deities in Mesopotamian mythology, Nanshe had a connection to water, often depicted with symbols of fish and water. This association also linked her to fertility and the sustenance of life.


Nanshe’s Role in Sumerian Society

Protector of the Vulnerable

Nanshe's role as a protector was integral to her worship. In Sumerian society, she was invoked to care for those without a voice: the orphans, the widows, and the destitute. Her festivals and rituals often included provisions for these groups, emphasizing the importance of compassion and communal responsibility.

One of the key texts illustrating her role is the "Hymn to Nanshe," where she is praised for her justice and mercy. The hymn describes her as a goddess who hears the pleas of the poor and administers justice without bias. In a society where inequality was prevalent, Nanshe’s role as a divine advocate for social justice was profoundly significant.

Interpreter of Dreams

Dreams were a vital part of Sumerian spirituality, considered messages from the gods. Nanshe’s ability to interpret dreams placed her at the heart of religious practices. Individuals and leaders alike sought her wisdom to understand the divine will and to make decisions.

Her temple in Lagash served as a center for these practices. Priests and priestesses of Nanshe were often involved in interpreting dreams and omens, providing guidance that was believed to be inspired by the goddess herself.

Connection to Water and Fertility

Nanshe’s association with water extended to her role in ensuring fertility and abundance. Water, being essential for agriculture in the arid regions of Mesopotamia, made her a crucial deity for farmers and communities. Rituals to honor Nanshe often involved water and fish, symbolizing life and sustenance.

Nanshe in Myth and Hymn

Nanshe's virtues and roles are vividly depicted in Sumerian hymns and myths. The "Hymn to Nanshe" is one of the most comprehensive sources, illustrating her as a fair and just deity who provides for the needy and upholds the divine order.

Another notable myth is the story of Nanshe’s annual journey, where she inspects the lands and people, ensuring that justice is maintained and the needs of the vulnerable are met. This journey symbolizes her ongoing vigilance and care for her devotees.

Worship and Legacy

The worship of Nanshe was not confined to rituals and prayers but extended to social practices. Her temples were places where the needy could find assistance, reflecting her divine mandate for social justice. Festivals in her honor often included the distribution of food and resources to the poor, embodying her compassionate nature.

Nanshe’s legacy continued to influence later cultures and religious practices. Her attributes of justice, compassion, and prophecy resonated through the ages, echoing in the attributes of later deities in Mesopotamian and neighboring cultures.



Goddess Nanshe, with her profound commitment to social justice, care for the vulnerable, and prophetic wisdom, stands as a unique and powerful figure in Sumerian mythology. Her influence permeated both the spiritual and social fabrics of ancient Mesopotamian life, making her a deity not just of reverence but of tangible impact on the community. By exploring Nanshe’s story, we gain insight into the values and beliefs of the Sumerians and the enduring power of compassion and justice in human society.

May the spirit of Nanshe inspire us to uphold justice, extend compassion, and seek wisdom in our own lives.

Daily Intention to Nanshe

Morning Intention:

As the sun rises, I set my intention for the day in honor of Nanshe, the Goddess of Social Justice, Prophecy, and Compassion.


Today, I open my heart to the spirit of Nanshe, embracing her divine qualities of justice, wisdom, and care for the vulnerable. May her nurturing energy guide my actions, inspiring me to be a source of kindness and fairness in all my interactions.


Nanshe, Goddess of the Waters and Protector of the Marginalized, I call upon your presence as I begin this day. Infuse my heart with your compassion, Sharpen my mind with your wisdom, And strengthen my resolve to seek justice for all.


With Nanshe's guidance, I commit to:

-Acting with fairness and integrity
-Offering help to those in need
-Listening to my inner wisdom and intuition
-Creating harmony and balance in my surroundings

Throughout the day, I will pause to reflect on Nanshe's influence in my life, remembering that I am connected to the ancient wisdom and compassion she embodies. In moments of challenge, I will seek her guidance, trusting in her nurturing presence to support and inspire me.


As I move through this day, I carry Nanshe’s energy within me, a reminder of the power of justice, compassion, and wisdom. May her blessings be upon me and those I encounter, creating a ripple of kindness and fairness in the world.

Guided Visualization Story with Nanshe

Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down without interruptions. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing your body to relax and your mind to become calm. Let the following visualization guide you into a sacred journey with Nanshe, the Sumerian goddess of social justice, prophecy, and compassion.

 The Journey Begins

Imagine yourself standing on the edge of a serene riverbank. The water flows gently, sparkling in the soft light of dawn. The air is filled with the calming sound of water and the gentle rustle of leaves. You feel the cool, moist earth beneath your feet, grounding you to the natural world.

With each breath, you feel more connected to this tranquil place. As you gaze into the clear, flowing water, you notice a path of smooth stones leading into the river. This path seems to beckon you, inviting you to step closer and follow it.

Entering the Waters

With a sense of calm and curiosity, you step onto the first stone. As you do, you feel a gentle warmth enveloping you, a sign of Nanshe's presence. Each step you take brings you deeper into the river, yet you remain above the water, walking on the stones with ease.

The water around you begins to glow with a soft, ethereal light. You feel the river's energy guiding you, carrying you toward a sacred place known only to the wise and compassionate.

Meeting Nanshe

As you reach the center of the river, you see a beautiful figure standing before you. Nanshe, the goddess of the waters, emerges from the glowing river, her presence both majestic and comforting. She is adorned with symbols of fish and water, her eyes filled with infinite compassion and wisdom.

She extends her hand to you, and as you take it, you feel an overwhelming sense of peace and connection. Nanshe's voice, gentle and soothing, echoes in your mind.

The Wisdom of Nanshe

"My child," she says, "welcome to my sacred waters. Here, you are connected to the essence of compassion, justice, and divine wisdom. Know that you are loved, nurtured, and guided by the ancient waters of life.

"Feel the flow of justice and fairness within you. These waters have seen the rise and fall of civilizations, carrying the wisdom of ages. Allow yourself to absorb this knowledge and let it guide your actions and decisions."

As you listen, you feel a deep understanding unfolding within you. You see the importance of compassion and fairness, and the power of listening to the needs of others. Nanshe's wisdom fills your heart, bringing clarity and purpose.

Embracing the Divine Qualities

Nanshe gently embraces you, and you feel her nurturing energy infusing every part of your being. She speaks again, her voice a soothing melody.

"Remember, my child, that you carry the essence of justice and compassion within you. You are a beacon of hope and fairness in the world. Embrace these qualities and let them shine in all that you do. Trust in your intuition, honor your emotions, and know that you are a vital part of the cosmic order."

With her words, you feel a renewed sense of strength and empowerment. You know that you are connected to the ancient wisdom of the universe and that you have the power to create harmony and justice in your own life.

Returning to the Riverbank

Nanshe releases you, and you feel the gentle current guiding you back to the riverbank. As you walk on the smooth stones, the glowing water begins to fade, and you find yourself standing on the shore where you began.

As you step onto the land, you carry with you the wisdom and nurturing energy of Nanshe, knowing that you can return to this sacred place whenever you need guidance or comfort.

Awaken and Reflect

Take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to slowly come back to the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and toes, feeling the connection to your physical body. When you are ready, open your eyes.

Take a moment to reflect on your journey and the wisdom you received from Nanshe. How can you incorporate her teachings into your daily life? How can you honor the values of compassion, justice, and wisdom in your interactions with others?

Carry this sense of peace, connection, and empowerment with you, knowing that Nanshe’s nurturing presence is always with you, guiding and supporting you on your journey.

Feel free to revisit this guided visualization whenever you seek comfort, wisdom, or a deeper connection to the divine qualities of Nanshe.

A Ritual in Honor of Nanshe


1. Sacred Space: Choose a quiet place where you can perform the ritual without interruptions. Cleanse the area with sage, palo santo, or any preferred method to create a sacred and pure environment.

2. Altar Setup: Arrange an altar with items that symbolize Nanshe and her qualities.

You can include:

-A bowl of water
-Seashells and river stones
-Blue or turquoise candles
-Symbols of fish and the moon
-Incense or essential oils with calming scents (e.g., lavender, chamomile)
-A piece of bread or grains to symbolize sustenance and social justice

3. Personal Items: Gather any personal items you wish to consecrate or charge with Nanshe’s energy, such as crystals, jewelry, or sacred objects.

Invocation of Nanshe

1. Centering and Grounding: Sit comfortably in front of your altar. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and center yourself. Imagine roots growing from your body into the Earth, grounding you.

2. Lighting Candles and Incense: Light the blue or turquoise candles and the incense or essential oils.

As you do, say:

"I light these candles and this incense in honor of Nanshe, Goddess of Justice, Prophecy, and Compassion. May her presence fill this space with wisdom and nurturing energy."

3. Calling the Directions: If you practice calling the directions, you can invoke the energies of the East (Air), South (Fire), West (Water), and North (Earth), asking for their presence and blessing in your ritual.

Offering and Meditation

1. Water Offering: Hold the bowl of water in your hands and speak your intentions:

"Nanshe, Protector of the Vulnerable and Seer of Dreams, I offer this water as a symbol of your life-giving essence. May it carry my gratitude and reverence to you. May your wisdom flow into my life, nurturing my spirit and guiding me on my path."

Gently pour a few drops of water onto the Earth or into a plant as a symbolic offering.

2. Bread or Grain Offering: Hold the piece of bread or grains and say:

"Nanshe, Goddess of Justice, I offer this bread (or grains) as a symbol of sustenance and social equity. May your energy inspire me to act with fairness and compassion in all my endeavors."

Place the bread or grains on the altar.

3. Meditation: Sit quietly and gaze into the bowl of water. Imagine the water glowing with a soft, luminescent light, representing Nanshe’s presence. Close your eyes and visualize yourself standing by a serene river, feeling Nanshe’s compassionate energy surrounding you. Feel her wisdom and strength infusing you.

4. Chant or Prayer: You can chant softly or recite a prayer to connect more deeply with Nanshe. An example chant:

"Nanshe, Nanshe, Goddess of the Stream, Guide me with your ancient dream. Nanshe, Nanshe, Keeper of the Fair, Bless me with your tender care."

Personal Reflection and Gratitude

1. Reflection: Take a few moments to reflect on what Nanshe means to you and how her qualities can inspire and guide you. Write down any insights or messages you receive during your meditation.

2. Gratitude: Express your gratitude to Nanshe for her presence and blessings.

You can say:

"Thank you, Nanshe, for your nurturing embrace and timeless wisdom. May your essence continue to flow through me and guide me in all that I do."

Closing the Ritual

1. Closing the Directions: If you called the directions at the beginning, thank and release the energies of the East, South, West, and North, acknowledging their presence and assistance.

2. Extinguishing Candles and Incense:

Gently extinguish the candles and incense, saying:

"With gratitude and reverence, I close this ritual, knowing that Nanshe’s wisdom and nurturing energy remain with me. So be it."

3. Grounding and Centering: Take a few deep breaths, imagining any excess energy flowing into the Earth through your roots. Feel grounded and centered.

Final Blessing

Hold your personal items or place your hands over them, and say:

"By the power and wisdom of Nanshe, I bless and consecrate these items. May they carry her nurturing energy and guide me on my path."

After the Ritual

Spend some time in quiet reflection, journal about your experience, or simply enjoy the peace and connection you feel. Carry the essence of Nanshe with you, knowing that you can always return to her for guidance and support.

 This ritual in honor of Nanshe is designed to connect you with the nurturing, life-giving energy of the Goddess of Social Justice, Prophecy, and Compassion. Through this sacred practice, may you find wisdom, strength, and a deeper connection to the ancient goddess and the qualities she embodies.


An additional invocation to Nanshe

Great Nanshe, Goddess of Justice and Prophecy,
I call upon you with a heart full of reverence and gratitude.
You, who watch over the vulnerable and uphold fairness,
Bless this space with your nurturing presence.

Nanshe, Daughter of Enki and Ninhursag,
Your wisdom flows like the sacred waters,
Bringing clarity and insight to all who seek your guidance.
Illuminate my path with your divine light.

Protector of the orphan and the widow,
Champion of the poor and the oppressed,
Fill me with your compassion and strength.
Help me to act with fairness and integrity in all my endeavors.

Interpreter of dreams and omens,
Guide me with your prophetic vision.
Open my heart to your ancient wisdom,
And let your teachings flow through my soul.

Nanshe, Guardian of the Waters,
Cleanse me with your life-giving essence.
May your sacred stream wash away all doubts and fears,
Leaving me renewed and empowered by your grace.

I honor you, Nanshe, with every breath I take,
And commit to upholding the values you embody.
May your blessings flow into my life,
And may your presence be ever near.

So be it.

Prayers and Mantras for Nanshe
Morning Prayer to Nanshe


Great Nanshe, Goddess of Compassion and Justice, As the sun rises and a new day begins, I honor you with a heart full of gratitude. Guide me with your wisdom and fairness, Fill my actions with kindness and integrity, And may your protective spirit surround me. In your name, I seek clarity and strength, Bless me with your presence throughout this day. So be it.

Evening Prayer to Nanshe


Nanshe, Guardian of the Vulnerable and Seer of Dreams, As the day comes to a close and night falls, I come to you in reverence and peace. Thank you for your guidance and protection, For the wisdom you have shared, and the strength you have given. As I rest, may your soothing waters bring me dreams of insight, And may your nurturing energy restore my spirit. In your name, I find solace and renewal. So be it.

Mantra for Nanshe


Nanshe, Goddess of Justice, In your wisdom, I find peace. Nanshe, Protector of the Vulnerable, Guide me with your ancient light.

Meditation Mantra

Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Repeat the following mantra silently or aloud, allowing its rhythm to guide you into a deep state of meditation:


Nanshe, Source of Compassion, Flow through me, bring me peace. Nanshe, Keeper of Justice, In your wisdom, I find release.

Chant for Rituals


Nanshe, Nanshe, Goddess of the Stream, Guide me with your ancient dream. Nanshe, Nanshe, Keeper of the Fair, Bless me with your tender care.

Affirmation Prayer


In the name of Nanshe, I affirm my connection to justice and compassion. I am guided by her wisdom and nurtured by her strength. With Nanshe’s guidance, I act with fairness and integrity. So be it.

Blessing Prayer


Nanshe, Guardian of the Waters and Protector of the Just, Bless this space with your nurturing grace. May your wisdom flow and cleanse all strife, Filling this place with your sacred life. So be it.

Feel free to incorporate these prayers and mantras into your daily spiritual practice or rituals to honor and connect with Nanshe, the Sumerian goddess of social justice, prophecy, and compassion. May her wisdom, nurturing energy, and divine presence guide you on your path.


Resources to Learn More About Nanshe


1. "The Sumerians: Their History, Culture, and Character" by Samuel Noah Kramer

This comprehensive book offers a deep dive into Sumerian civilization, including the mythology and religious practices that surrounded deities like Nanshe.

2. "Gods, Demons, and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia: An Illustrated Dictionary" by Jeremy Black and Anthony Green

A detailed reference guide that includes entries on Nanshe and other deities of the Sumerian pantheon.

3. "Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, the Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others" by Stephanie Dalley

This collection of translated myths includes stories that provide context for understanding Nanshe and other Mesopotamian deities.

4. "Sumerian Mythology: A Study of Spiritual and Literary Achievement in the Third Millennium B.C." by Samuel Noah Kramer

This book provides an insightful look into Sumerian mythology, including discussions on lesser-known deities like Nanshe.

Academic Articles and Papers

1. "The Role of Women in Mesopotamian Religion" by Rivkah Harris

This paper explores the roles of various goddesses in Mesopotamian religion, including Nanshe, and provides a deeper understanding of their significance.

2. "The Theology of Nanshe in Sumerian Literature" by Thorkild Jacobsen

An academic article that delves into the specific attributes and theological significance of Nanshe in Sumerian texts.

Online Resources

1. ETCSL (Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature)

A comprehensive online database of Sumerian texts translated into English. You can find hymns, myths, and other literary works mentioning Nanshe.

2. Ancient History Encyclopedia

Provides articles and resources on Sumerian mythology, including entries on Nanshe and related deities.

3. Theoi Project

Although primarily focused on Greek mythology, this website offers comparative mythology sections that can help understand Nanshe in the context of other ancient mythologies.

Documentaries and Videos

1. "Mesopotamia: The Cradle of Civilization" by The Great Courses

A documentary series that explores the history and mythology of Mesopotamia, including the Sumerian civilization and its gods and goddesses.

2. YouTube Channels:

CrashCourse: Offers educational videos on ancient civilizations, including Mesopotamia and Sumer
Extra History: Provides engaging animated series on various historical topics, including ancient Mesopotamia.

Museums and Exhibits

1. The British Museum (London, UK)

Houses extensive collections of Mesopotamian artifacts, including those related to Sumerian mythology.

2. The Louvre (Paris, France)

Features a rich collection of Mesopotamian artifacts, offering insights into the culture that worshipped Nanshe.

3. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (Penn Museum)

Has significant collections and exhibits on Mesopotamian artifacts and history.

By exploring these resources, you can gain a deeper understanding of Nanshe, her role in Sumerian mythology, and her significance as a goddess of social justice, prophecy, and compassion.