The Goddess Kubaba: A Deep Dive into Her History and Significance

The ancient goddess Kubaba holds a unique place in the pantheon of Near Eastern deities. Revered across several cultures, including the Hittites, Hurrians, and later the Phrygians, Kubaba's story is one of resilience, transformation, and enduring reverence. Join us as we delve into the origins, mythology, and cultural significance of Kubaba, exploring how she evolved from a historical queen to a powerful goddess worshipped for centuries.


Historical Background

Kubaba’s origins can be traced back to the city of Carchemish, located in modern-day Turkey. Unlike many deities who emerged from purely mythological origins, Kubaba was originally a historical figure. She is believed to have been a queen or high priestess who lived around the 23rd century BCE.

1. Queen of Carchemish: Kubaba was the only queen listed in the Sumerian King List, a record of rulers from ancient Mesopotamia. According to this list, she reigned as the ruler of Carchemish after serving as a tavern keeper. Her rise to power was unusual and marked by her wisdom and leadership, which later led to her deification.


Mythology and Worship

Kubaba’s transition from a historical figure to a goddess highlights her significance and the lasting impact of her legacy.

1. Hittite Influence: The Hittites, who dominated Anatolia and Northern Syria during the second millennium BCE, adopted Kubaba into their pantheon. In Hittite mythology, she was often depicted as a protective mother figure, associated with fertility, prosperity, and the city’s well-being.

2. Symbolism: Kubaba was commonly represented holding a mirror and a pomegranate, both symbols of fertility and life. The pomegranate, in particular, is a potent symbol of fertility due to its numerous seeds.

3. Worship Practices: Worship of Kubaba involved offerings, prayers, and rituals meant to invoke her blessings for fertility, protection, and prosperity. Her cult was widespread, and her worship continued even after the decline of the Hittite Empire.

Cultural Significance

Kubaba’s influence extended beyond the Hittites and into other cultures and eras.

1. Phrygian Adaptation: The Phrygians, who succeeded the Hittites in Anatolia, also revered Kubaba, though she underwent some transformation in this culture. The Phrygians associated her with Cybele, another mother goddess, merging their attributes and roles.

2. Mesopotamian Recognition: In Mesopotamia, Kubaba was sometimes linked with the goddess Kubu, a deity of the underworld, highlighting her multifaceted nature and the diverse aspects of her worship.

Modern-Day Relevance

Kubaba’s story remains relevant today, illustrating the powerful narrative of a woman who rose to prominence and was venerated across cultures and epochs.

1. Feminine Strength: Kubaba embodies the strength, resilience, and wisdom of women in leadership roles. Her story serves as an inspiration for those who advocate for gender equality and the recognition of women's contributions to society.

2. Cultural Heritage: Understanding Kubaba’s legacy allows us to appreciate the interconnectedness of ancient cultures and the ways in which they influenced one another. Her worship across different civilizations underscores the shared human quest for protection, fertility, and prosperity.

3. Spiritual Symbolism: For modern spiritual practitioners, Kubaba can be a symbol of protection, nurturing, and the power of transformation. Invoking her in rituals can bring a sense of historical continuity and connection to ancient wisdom.


Goddess Kubaba's journey from a historical queen to a revered deity highlights her enduring legacy and the profound impact she had on various ancient cultures. Her worship underscores themes of fertility, protection, and feminine strength, making her a timeless figure of reverence and respect. By exploring her story, we gain insight into the rich tapestry of ancient religious practices and the enduring power of myth and history.

Whether you are drawn to Kubaba for her historical significance, her mythological narrative, or her spiritual symbolism, she remains a powerful reminder of the resilience and wisdom that transcends time and culture.

 Daily Intention to Goddess Kubaba

Goddess Kubaba,

With reverence and gratitude, I call upon your ancient wisdom and strength. As I move through this day, I ask for your guidance and protection. May your nurturing energy surround me, bringing fertility to my endeavors and prosperity to my life.

Help me to embody your resilience and wisdom, facing challenges with courage and grace. May your presence inspire me to lead with compassion and to nurture those around me with kindness.

I honor your legacy and the enduring power of your spirit. Thank you, Goddess Kubaba, for your blessings and guidance.

So it is.

This intention can be recited each morning to invite the energy of Goddess Kubaba into your daily life, fostering a sense of connection, protection, and strength.

Guided Visualization: Journey with Goddess Kubaba


Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can sit or lie down without interruptions. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing your body to relax and your mind to become still. As you breathe deeply, imagine a warm, golden light surrounding you, bringing a sense of peace and calm.


Visualization Begins

You find yourself standing at the edge of an ancient city, Carchemish, the city of the mighty Queen and Goddess Kubaba. The air is filled with the scent of blooming flowers and the gentle hum of distant voices. The sun is setting, casting a golden glow over the city's walls and buildings.

As you walk through the gates, you are greeted by a sense of familiarity and warmth. You are drawn to the heart of the city, where a beautiful temple dedicated to Goddess Kubaba stands. The temple is adorned with intricate carvings and symbols of fertility, prosperity, and protection.

You enter the temple, feeling the cool stone beneath your feet and the soothing energy that fills the space. In the center of the temple, there is a large, ornate mirror and a bowl of pomegranates, symbols of the goddess. You approach the altar, feeling a gentle, loving presence surrounding you.

In the midst of this sacred space, you see a figure emerging from the golden light. It is Goddess Kubaba, her presence radiant and nurturing. She smiles warmly, and you feel a deep sense of peace and connection. Her eyes hold ancient wisdom, and her aura exudes strength and compassion.

Goddess Kubaba invites you to sit with her. As you do, she reaches out and places a hand on your heart. You feel a surge of energy, filling you with warmth and love. She speaks to you in a soft, melodic voice, offering guidance and wisdom for your journey.

“Dear one, you are strong and resilient, just as I was in my time. Remember that within you lies the power to overcome any obstacle and to nurture those around you. Embrace your inner strength and lead with compassion and wisdom.”

As you listen to her words, you feel a sense of empowerment and clarity. She hands you a pomegranate, symbolizing fertility and abundance. You accept it with gratitude, knowing that it represents the endless possibilities and prosperity that await you.

Goddess Kubaba then leads you to the mirror. She asks you to look into it and see your true self, a being of light and love, capable of great things. As you gaze into the mirror, you see yourself surrounded by golden light, embodying the qualities of the goddess: strength, compassion, and wisdom.

With a gentle touch, Goddess Kubaba blesses you, imbuing you with her energy and protection. She assures you that she is always with you, guiding and supporting you on your journey.

As the visualization comes to an end, you thank Goddess Kubaba for her presence and wisdom. She smiles and slowly fades back into the golden light, leaving you with a sense of peace and empowerment.



Take a few deep breaths, feeling the energy and warmth of Goddess Kubaba still within you. When you are ready, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and toes, and slowly open your eyes.

Carry the wisdom and strength of Goddess Kubaba with you as you continue your day, knowing that you are supported and guided by her loving presence.

This guided visualization can be revisited whenever you seek guidance, strength, or a deeper connection with Goddess Kubaba.

A Ritual in Honor of Goddess Kubaba

This ritual is designed to honor Goddess Kubaba, seeking her blessings for protection, fertility, and prosperity.


Materials Needed:

-A small mirror
-Pomegranate or pomegranate seeds
-A candle (preferably red or gold)
-Incense (such as sandalwood or frankincense)
-A bowl of water
-Fresh flowers (such as roses or lilies)
-An offering dish (for the pomegranate seeds)
-A comfortable and quiet space



1. Cleanse the Space: Begin by cleansing your ritual space. You can do this by lighting the incense and walking around the area, allowing the smoke to purify the space.

2. Set Up the Altar: Arrange your materials on a small table or altar. Place the mirror in the center, the candle in front of it, and the bowl of water to one side. Arrange the fresh flowers around the mirror, and place the offering dish with pomegranate seeds next to the candle.


Ritual Steps:

1. Center Yourself: Sit comfortably in front of your altar. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax and focus your mind.

2. Light the Candle: Light the candle, saying:

"I light this candle in honor of Goddess Kubaba, the radiant queen of Carchemish. May her light guide and protect me."

3. Invoke Kubaba: Close your eyes and visualize the golden light of Kubaba surrounding you. Say:

"Goddess Kubaba, I call upon you. Great mother, protector, and queen, I seek your blessings. Surround me with your nurturing energy and grant me your wisdom, strength, and protection."

3. Offering: Take the pomegranate or pomegranate seeds and place them in the offering dish. Say:

"I offer these pomegranate seeds to you, Kubaba, as a symbol of fertility, prosperity, and gratitude. May your blessings flow abundantly into my life."

4. Mirror Meditation: Gaze into the mirror, reflecting on Kubaba's qualities of strength, compassion, and wisdom. Visualize yourself embodying these qualities. You can say:

"As I look into this mirror, I see the reflection of your divine presence within me. May I walk in your strength, lead with your wisdom, and nurture with your compassion."

5. Water Blessing: Dip your fingers into the bowl of water and sprinkle it around your altar and on yourself. Say:

"With this water, I cleanse and bless this space and myself, inviting the purity and protection of Kubaba into my life."

6. Incense Offering: Waft the incense smoke around the altar and yourself. Say:

"May this incense carry my prayers and gratitude to you, Kubaba. May your presence be ever near, guiding and protecting me."

7. Personal Prayer: Spend a few moments in silent prayer or meditation, speaking to Kubaba from your heart. Share your hopes, desires, and any requests for her guidance and protection.

8. Closing the Ritual: Thank Kubaba for her presence and blessings. Say:

"Thank you, Goddess Kubaba, for your guidance, protection, and love. May your blessings remain with me always. So it is."

9. Extinguish the Candle: Gently blow out the candle, visualizing the light of Kubaba continuing to shine within you.


After the Ritual:

1. Leave the offerings on your altar for a day or overnight, then respectfully return them to the earth.

2. Reflect on the ritual and any insights or feelings that arose. You may wish to journal your experiences.

This ritual can be performed whenever you seek the blessings and guidance of Goddess Kubaba, or as a regular practice to honor her presence in your life.


An additional invocation to Kubaba:

Great Goddess Kubaba, Queen of Carchemish, Mother of Prosperity and Protection, I call upon you with reverence and love.

You, who rose from humble beginnings, Wise and resilient, beloved by your people, Guide me with your strength and wisdom.

Nurturing Mother, Guardian of Fertility, Bless my endeavors with your abundant grace. May your nurturing energy fill my heart, And your protective light surround my path.

Kubaba, radiant and compassionate, I seek your presence in this sacred space. Grant me the courage to face my challenges, And the wisdom to lead with compassion.

As I honor you, great Queen, I open my heart to your guidance. May your blessings flow into my life, Bringing prosperity, protection, and peace.

Great Goddess Kubaba, I invoke your name, With gratitude and devotion, May you be ever near.

So it is.

Feel free to adapt this invocation to suit your personal practice and the specific context in which you are calling upon Goddess Kubaba.

Prayers and Mantras for Goddess Kubaba

Purpose: These prayers and mantras can be used to honor Goddess Kubaba, seek her blessings, and connect with her energy during your spiritual practices.


Daily Prayer to Goddess Kubaba

1. Morning Prayer:

Goddess Kubaba, guardian of the dawn, As the sun rises, I call upon your strength. Guide me through this day with your wisdom, Bless my path with your nurturing light.

May your protection surround me, And your compassion fill my heart. Great Queen of Carchemish, I honor you, With gratitude and devotion, I walk in your grace.

2. Evening Prayer:

Kubaba, as the day fades into night, I reflect upon your guidance and blessings. Thank you for the strength and wisdom bestowed, And for your protection throughout the day.

As I rest, may your presence bring peace, Guarding my dreams with your loving light. Great Mother, I honor you, With gratitude and devotion, I close this day in your grace.

Mantras for Goddess Kubaba

1. Mantra for Protection:

Chant this mantra whenever you seek protection and strength from Goddess Kubaba.

"Kubaba, Guardian Divine, Wrap me in your light so fine. Protect and guide through day and night, With your strength, I face my plight."

2. Mantra for Prosperity:

Use this mantra to invite abundance and prosperity into your life, invoking the blessings of Kubaba.

"Kubaba, Queen of Abundance, hear my plea, Bless my life with prosperity. With your grace, wealth flows to me, Abundant blessings, so mote it be."

3. Mantra for Wisdom:

Chant this mantra to seek wisdom and guidance from Goddess Kubaba in your decisions and actions.

"Kubaba, source of ancient lore, Guide my mind, wisdom restore. With your insight, I see the way, In your wisdom, I trust and stay."

Ritual Prayer for Special Occasions

1. Invocation of Blessings:

This prayer can be used during special rituals, celebrations, or when seeking specific blessings from Goddess Kubaba.

Great Goddess Kubaba, Mother of all, Hear my prayer, answer my call. With reverence and love, I seek your grace, Bless this space with your divine embrace.

For protection, I call upon your might, Guard me through the darkest night. For prosperity, I ask your boon, Fill my life with wealth’s bright tune.

For wisdom, I seek your guiding light, Illuminate my path, day and night. Great Queen of Carchemish, I honor you, With gratitude, devotion, and a heart so true.

In your name, I find my strength, Blessings flow at every length. Goddess Kubaba, hear my plea, With your power, so mote it be.

Feel free to incorporate these prayers and mantras into your spiritual practices, adapting them as needed to resonate with your personal connection to Goddess Kubaba.

Resources  to learn more about Kubaba:

To learn more about Goddess Kubaba, you can explore a variety of resources, including books, academic articles, websites, and multimedia. Here are some recommendations:

Here are some recommendations:



1. "The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia (10,000-323 BCE)" by Sharon R. Steadman and Gregory McMahon

This comprehensive book offers insights into various aspects of ancient Anatolian cultures, including the worship and significance of deities like Kubaba.

2. "The Hittites and Their World" by Billie Jean Collins

This book provides an in-depth look into Hittite culture and religion, including references to the goddess Kubaba.

3. "Gods, Goddesses, and Mythology" edited by C. Scott Littleton

This multi-volume reference set includes entries on various deities from around the world, including Kubaba, detailing their mythology and cultural context..

4. "Ancient Turkey" by Antonio Sagona and Paul Zimansky

A detailed exploration of ancient Anatolian civilizations, offering context for the historical and cultural background of Kubaba.


Academic Articles and Journals

1. "Kubaba: A Goddess of Anatolia and Beyond" by Alice Mouton

This academic paper explores the origins, worship, and significance of Kubaba across different cultures.

2. "The Role of Kubaba in Anatolian Religion" by Trevor Bryce

An article that delves into the religious practices and significance of Kubaba in Anatolian and Hittite cultures.


1. Ancient History Encyclopedia (World History Encyclopedia)

Offers accessible articles on various aspects of ancient history, including entries on Kubaba and related topics.

2. Encyclopedia Britannica

Provides concise entries on historical figures and deities, including Kubaba.

3. Project Gutenberg

A digital library offering free access to historical texts and academic works. Searching for works related to Hittite or Anatolian history can yield useful information.


Museums and Archaeological Sites


1. The British Museum (London, UK)

Houses artifacts from ancient Anatolia, including items that may be related to the worship of Kubaba.

2. The Museum of Anatolian Civilizations (Ankara, Turkey)

Offers a rich collection of artifacts from ancient Anatolia, providing context for the historical worship of Kubaba.

3. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations
The Louvre Museum (Paris, France)

Contains artifacts from the ancient Near East, including items related to Hittite and Anatolian cultures.

Academic Courses and Lectures

1. Coursera and edX

Online learning platforms offering courses on ancient history, archaeology, and mythology. Look for courses related to ancient Anatolia, the Hittites, or general Near Eastern history.

2. University Lectures and Seminars

Many universities offer free access to recorded lectures and seminars on ancient history and archaeology. Websites like YouTube and iTunes U can be valuable resources for finding such content.

By exploring these resources, you can gain a deeper understanding of Goddess Kubaba, her historical significance, and her cultural impact across various ancient civilizations.