Ereshkigal: The Mesopotamian Queen of the Underworld

In the ancient Mesopotamian pantheon, Ereshkigal stands out as a powerful and enigmatic deity. As the Queen of the Underworld, she governs over the realm of the dead, embodying the mysteries of death, transformation, and rebirth. Ereshkigal’s story is one of profound depth, reflecting the ancient Mesopotamians' complex understanding of life and the afterlife.


Origins and Mythology

Ereshkigal's name means "Queen of the Great Earth" or "Lady of the Great Place," signifying her dominion over the Underworld. She is the sister of the sky goddess Inanna (also known as Ishtar), and their relationship plays a crucial role in one of the most significant myths involving Ereshkigal: the Descent of Inanna.

In this myth, Inanna descends into the Underworld to attend the funeral of Ereshkigal's husband, Gugalanna. However, Ereshkigal perceives Inanna's arrival as a threat to her sovereignty and orders her to pass through seven gates, removing a piece of her divine regalia at each gate. By the time Inanna reaches her sister, she is stripped of her power and is subsequently struck dead by Ereshkigal. This myth not only highlights Ereshkigal's authority and the perils of the Underworld but also underscores themes of power, vulnerability, and the cyclical nature of life and death.


Symbolism and Attributes

Ereshkigal's domain, the Underworld (also known as Kur or Irkalla), is depicted as a dark, desolate place where the dead reside. Despite its grim portrayal, the Underworld is an essential part of the Mesopotamian cosmology, representing the inevitable journey of the soul after death.

Some key symbols and attributes associated with Ereshkigal include:

1. The Lion: Often depicted alongside her, the lion symbolizes her strength and authority.
2. The Scorpion: Representing both protection and the dangers of the Underworld.
3. The Throne: Emphasizing her status as the ruler of the Underworld.
4. Darkness and Shadows: Highlighting her connection to death and the unknown aspects of existence.


Worship and Rituals

The worship of Ereshkigal was intertwined with funerary practices and rituals aimed at ensuring safe passage for the deceased into the afterlife. Temples dedicated to her were places where offerings were made to appease her and seek her favor.

1. Offerings: Devotees would present food, drink, and other valuables to honor Ereshkigal and the deceased.
2. Funerary Rites: Rituals performed at burials often invoked Ereshkigal to ensure the protection and well-being of the departed souls.
3. Prayers and Incantations: These were used to seek her guidance and to placate her wrath.

Ereshkigal in Modern Spirituality

Today, Ereshkigal is often invoked in modern spiritual practices that focus on transformation, shadow work, and the embrace of the darker aspects of the self. Her story and symbolism provide a framework for understanding and integrating the complexities of death, rebirth, and inner growth.

1. Shadow Work: Meditations and rituals that involve acknowledging and integrating one's shadow side often call upon Ereshkigal for guidance and support.
2. Transformation: Invoking Ereshkigal can help facilitate personal transformation, particularly during times of significant change or when dealing with loss.
3. Honoring Ancestors: Modern practitioners may include Ereshkigal in rituals that honor ancestors and the dead, seeking her protection and blessings.


Goddess Ereshkigal, the formidable Queen of the Underworld, remains a powerful symbol of the mysteries of death and transformation. Her myths and attributes continue to resonate, offering profound insights into the cycles of life and the journey of the soul. By exploring and honoring Ereshkigal, we can gain a deeper understanding of our own shadows and the transformative power of embracing the full spectrum of existence.


Morning Intention to Goddess Ereshkigal 

"Great Goddess Ereshkigal, Queen of the Underworld and Guardian of the Shadows, I honor you today with a heart open to transformation. Guide me through the mysteries of my inner world, and help me embrace the aspects of myself that I have hidden away. Grant me the strength to face my fears, the wisdom to understand my darkness, and the courage to transform it into light.

As I journey through this day, may your presence remind me of the cycles of life and death, endings and beginnings. Help me to release what no longer serves me and to welcome new growth with open arms.

In your powerful name, I seek to balance my light and shadow, to live authentically and with deep inner strength. Thank you, Ereshkigal, for your guidance and protection.

So be it."

Starting your day with this intention can help you align with the transformative and empowering energies of Goddess Ereshkigal, fostering a deeper connection with your inner self and the cycles of life.

Guided Visualization: Embracing the Wisdom of Goddess Ereshkigal

Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Allow yourself to relax, letting go of any tension or stress. As you breathe deeply and evenly, imagine yourself embarking on a sacred journey to meet Goddess Ereshkigal in her realm.

You find yourself standing at the entrance of a vast, ancient cavern, the threshold to the Underworld. The air is cool and still, and a sense of profound quiet envelops you. As you step inside, the light from the surface fades, replaced by a gentle, otherworldly glow emanating from the cavern walls. You feel a sense of calm and determination as you move deeper into this sacred space.

The path before you is illuminated by flickering torches, guiding you further into the heart of the Underworld. The walls are adorned with intricate carvings and symbols, telling stories of the souls who have journeyed here before you. As you walk, you feel the presence of countless ancestors, their energy lending you strength and courage.

After a while, you come to a vast chamber, at the center of which stands a magnificent throne made of dark stone and adorned with precious gems. Seated upon the throne is Goddess Ereshkigal, her presence both awe-inspiring and comforting. She is a figure of regal beauty and immense power, her eyes glowing with wisdom and understanding.

You approach her with respect and reverence, feeling the weight of her gaze upon you. She gestures for you to come closer, and as you do, you feel a deep connection forming between you and the Queen of the Underworld.

"Ereshkigal," you say, your voice steady and respectful, "I seek your guidance and wisdom. Help me to understand and embrace the shadows within me, to transform my fears into strength, and to find balance in the cycles of life and death."

Ereshkigal rises from her throne and steps towards you, her presence both calming and empowering. She places her hand gently on your forehead, and you feel a surge of energy flow through you. Visions begin to unfold in your mind's eye, revealing the hidden aspects of yourself that you have long ignored or feared.

"Do not fear the darkness within," she speaks softly, her voice echoing in the chamber. "It is a part of you, just as much as the light. Embrace it, understand it, and you will find the strength to transform it."

As her words resonate within you, the visions shift to scenes of transformation and rebirth. You see yourself shedding old fears and limitations, emerging stronger and more balanced. The shadows within you become a source of power and wisdom, guiding you towards greater self-awareness and authenticity.

Ereshkigal steps back, her eyes filled with approval and understanding. "Remember," she says, "the journey through the Underworld is not one of despair, but of profound transformation. Embrace your entire being, and you will find true strength."

You bow deeply to Ereshkigal, expressing your gratitude for her guidance and blessings. As you rise, she gestures for you to follow the path back to the surface. You walk with a renewed sense of purpose and clarity, feeling the transformative power of the Underworld within you.

As you emerge from the cavern, the light of the surface world embraces you, and you feel a deep sense of peace and empowerment. You carry with you the wisdom and strength of Goddess Ereshkigal, knowing that you are forever transformed by this sacred journey.

Take a deep breath, slowly bringing your awareness back to the present moment. When you are ready, gently open your eyes, carrying with you the peace, strength, and wisdom of Goddess Ereshkigal.

This guided visualization can help you connect with the transformative and empowering energies of Goddess Ereshkigal, fostering a deeper understanding and integration of your inner self.

A Beautiful Ritual in Honor of Goddess Ereshkigal

Honoring Goddess Ereshkigal with a loving ritual can help you connect deeply with her transformative and powerful energy. This ritual focuses on embracing both the light and shadow within, fostering a sense of balance and renewal.


Create a Sacred Space:

-Choose a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.
-Cleanse the space using sage, palo santo, or incense such as frankincense or myrrh.
-Set up an altar with a picture or symbol of Ereshkigal, black or dark-colored candles, a bowl of water, a small dish of salt, fresh flowers (preferably dark-colored like deep red roses or black calla lilies), and symbols such as a scorpion, lion, or crescent moon.

Gather Supplies:

-Black or dark-colored candles
-Incense sticks (frankincense or myrrh)
-Fresh flowers (deep red roses or black calla lilies)
-A bowl of water
-A small dish of salt
-A piece of obsidian or black tourmaline
-A journal or piece of paper and a pen

The Ritual:


-Stand or sit comfortably in front of your altar. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and center yourself.
-Light the incense and candles, setting the intention to invite Ereshkigal’s presence.
-Say the following invocation:

Great Goddess Ereshkigal, Queen of the Underworld, Lady of Transformation,
I call upon you with love and reverence.
Embrace this sacred space with your presence, your wisdom, and your power.
Guide me through the shadows and help me find balance within.


-Take the bowl of water and add a pinch of salt to it, symbolizing the cleansing of impurities.
-Dip your fingers into the water and sprinkle it around your altar and on yourself, saying:

Ereshkigal, cleanse me of all negativity and fear.
Purify this space and prepare it for your divine presence.


-Place the fresh flowers on the altar as an offering of beauty and life amidst the darkness.
-Place the piece of obsidian or black tourmaline on the altar as a symbol of protection and grounding.

Great Ereshkigal, I offer you these symbols of life and strength.
May they please you and honor your sacred power.

Meditation and Visualization:

-Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Visualize Ereshkigal standing before you, her presence both comforting and powerful.
-Imagine her energy enveloping you, filling you with a sense of balance and transformation. Feel her guidance as you journey through your inner world, embracing both your light and shadow.
-Spend a few minutes in this meditative state, absorbing her energy and blessings.

Affirmations and Intentions:

-Take the journal or piece of paper and write down your intentions or wishes, focusing on aspects of transformation, balance, and self-acceptance.
-Read them aloud, affirming your connection with Ereshkigal and her blessings. Example:

With Ereshkigal’s guidance, I embrace my shadows and transform them into strength.
I seek balance within myself, honoring both my light and darkness.
I walk the path of transformation with courage and love.

Closing the Ritual:

-Take a few moments to thank Ereshkigal for her presence and blessings.

Great Goddess Ereshkigal, I am grateful for your presence and your guidance.
May your wisdom and strength remain with me always.
I honor you and thank you.

-Extinguish the candles and incense, allowing the space to return to its normal state.


Spend some time reflecting on the experience. Write down any insights, feelings, or messages you received during the ritual in your journal.
Consider incorporating this ritual into your regular spiritual practice to maintain a strong connection with Ereshkigal.

By performing this ritual with sincerity and devotion, you can deepen your connection with Goddess Ereshkigal, inviting her powerful and transformative energies into your life.


An invocation to Goddess Ereshkigal

O Mighty Ereshkigal, Queen of the Underworld,

You who rule the realm of shadows and secrets, Goddess of transformation and rebirth, I call upon you with reverence and awe.

Great Ereshkigal, Lady of the Great Earth, Embrace me with your ancient wisdom, Guide me through the mysteries of life and death, Help me to understand and accept my shadows.

You who stand at the threshold of endings and beginnings, Teach me the power of release and renewal, Grant me the courage to face my fears, And the strength to transform them into light.

O Dark Mother, protector of souls, Wrap me in your nurturing darkness, Help me to find balance within myself, And to honor the cycles of nature and spirit.

With your presence, I seek to awaken, To the depths of my being and the truths hidden within. Great Ereshkigal, I honor you, In your name, I find my power and peace.

So be it.

Prayers and Mantras for Goddess Ereshkigal


1. Daily Prayer to Ereshkigal

O Great Ereshkigal, Queen of the Underworld, Guardian of the mysteries of life and death, I honor you today with a humble heart.

Guide me through the shadows within, Help me to embrace and transform my fears, Teach me the wisdom of release and renewal. In your nurturing darkness, I find strength, In your presence, I find balance and peace.

Great Ereshkigal, I seek your blessings, In all aspects of my life and spirit.

So be it.

2. Prayer for Transformation and Renewal

Mighty Ereshkigal, Lady of Transformation, I call upon your power and wisdom. As the cycle of life continues to turn, Guide me through my own cycles of change.

Help me to release what no longer serves me, And to embrace new beginnings with courage. In your sacred darkness, I find the strength To transform and renew my spirit.

Great Ereshkigal, I honor your presence, And seek your guidance on my path. Bless me with your transformative power, And lead me to a place of balance and peace.

So be it.

3. Prayer for Balance and Inner Strength

O Ereshkigal, Queen of Shadows and Light, I seek your guidance and strength today. Help me to find balance within myself, To honor both my light and my darkness.

In your nurturing embrace, I find peace, In your wisdom, I find clarity and purpose. Grant me the courage to face my fears, And the strength to transform them into light.

Great Ereshkigal, I honor you, And seek your blessings in all I do. With your presence, I walk the path Of balance, strength, and inner peace.

So be it.


1. Ereshkigal Mantra for Transformation

Om Ereshkigal Namaha

Chant this mantra 108 times to invoke Ereshkigal’s power of transformation and renewal.

2. Ereshkigal Mantra for Strength

Om Ereshkigal Shakti Namaha

Recite this mantra 108 times to draw upon Ereshkigal’s strength and protection.

3. Ereshkigal Mantra for Balance

Om Ereshkigal Samanvaya Namaha

Use this mantra 108 times to seek balance and harmony within yourself.

How to Chant

1. Preparation: Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit. Light a candle and some incense to create a sacred atmosphere.

2. Mindfulness: Begin by taking a few deep breaths to center yourself and clear your mind.

3. Devotion: Chant the chosen mantra or prayer with devotion and focus. Visualize Ereshkigal's divine presence and feel her energy surrounding you.

4. Repetition: For mantras, repeat the mantra 108 times using a mala (prayer beads) to keep count. This helps deepen the connection and enhances concentration.

5. Gratitude: End your chanting session with a short prayer of gratitude to Ereshkigal for her blessings and presence.

By incorporating these prayers and mantras into your spiritual practice, you can foster a deeper connection with Goddess Ereshkigal and invite her transformative and powerful energy into your life.

Resources  to learn more about Ereshkigal:

To learn more about Goddess Ereshkigal, you can explore a variety of resources, including books, academic articles, websites, and multimedia.

Here are some recommendations:



1. "Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth: Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer" by Diane Wolkstein and Samuel Noah Kramer

This book provides valuable insights into Mesopotamian mythology, including stories about Ereshkigal and her relationship with Inanna.

2. "The Descent of Inanna" translated by Stephen Mitchell

This book offers a detailed translation of the myth of Inanna’s descent into the Underworld, where she encounters Ereshkigal. It's a crucial text for understanding Ereshkigal’s role in Mesopotamian mythology.

3. "The Babylonian World" edited by Gwendolyn Leick

This comprehensive book covers various aspects of Babylonian culture, including religion and mythology, with references to Ereshkigal.

4. "Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, The Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others" by Stephanie Dalley

A collection of translations of Mesopotamian myths, including those involving Ereshkigal, providing context and deeper understanding of her significance.

Academic Articles and Journals

1. JSTOR and Google Scholar

Search for scholarly articles on Ereshkigal, Mesopotamian mythology, and ancient goddess worship. Keywords like "Ereshkigal," "Mesopotamian goddess," and "Underworld deities" will yield useful results.

2. "The Myth of Inanna and Ereshkigal: A Study of Transformation"

An academic paper exploring the mythological and symbolic significance of Ereshkigal’s role in the Descent of Inanna.


1. Ancient History Encyclopedia (World History Encyclopedia)

Offers articles on Mesopotamian mythology and deities, including Ereshkigal.


A comprehensive resource on mythology that includes information on various Near Eastern deities, including Ereshkigal.

3. Encyclopedia Britannica

Provides concise, reliable information on Ereshkigal and her place in Mesopotamian mythology.

Documentaries and Videos

1. YouTube Channels

Channels like "Mythology & Fiction Explained," "TED-Ed," and "ReligionForBreakfast" often feature videos on ancient deities and mythologies, including Ereshkigal.

2. Documentary: "Mesopotamia: The Sumerians, Assyrians, and Babylonians"

Available on various streaming platforms, this documentary provides context on the civilizations that worshipped Ereshkigal.

Online Courses and Lectures

1. Coursera and edX

Look for courses on ancient mythology, Near Eastern religions, or archaeology. These platforms often feature lectures by experts in the field.

2. The Great Courses

Offers in-depth courses on ancient civilizations and their religious practices, which can provide valuable insights into Ereshkigal’s worship and significance.

Museums and Exhibits


1. The British Museum

Houses artifacts from ancient Mesopotamian cultures, including those related to Ereshkigal. Their website also features virtual tours and online collections.

2. The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Offers extensive collections and exhibits on ancient Near Eastern civilizations, with online resources and educational materials.

3. Louvre Museum

Their Near Eastern Antiquities department includes artifacts and exhibits that can provide context about Ereshkigal and her worshippers.


1. "The History of Egypt Podcast"

Often covers topics on ancient Near Eastern mythology and the interactions between different ancient cultures.

2. "The Ancient World"

Explores various ancient civilizations, their deities, and religious practices, including the worship of Ereshkigal.

By exploring these resources, you can gain a deeper understanding of Goddess Ereshkigal, her significance in ancient religions, and her lasting impact on cultural and spiritual traditions.