As we continue exploring Goddesses from the perspective of the Divine Feminine and exploring the rich history of those who have come before us, we at Wild Wandering, have the utmost respect for all religions and practices around the world, both past and present.

In the Hindu Goddess sections of our Divine Feminine series, we honor these deities with respect for their cultural and religious importance, while delving into their spiritual symbolism that can be protected and honored.

Each goddess embodies unique aspects of the Divine Feminine, offering timeless lessons in strength, compassion, wisdom, and nurturing. By understanding the stories and attributes of these goddesses, we aim to provide a deeper appreciation of their roles in both spiritual practice and everyday life, celebrating the powerful and nurturing essence of the feminine divine.

Furthermore, we recognize that the artistic depictions of these Goddesses might not conform to their traditional representations. We are infusing a contemporary and bohemian flair into our visuals to resonate with our modern audience and the general ambiance of our website.

We hold the sacred deities of Hinduism in the highest regard, and through raising awareness and providing education to our readers, we aim to foster a greater understanding of our diverse cultures and traditions, thereby cultivating respect for our varied beliefs around the world.

It is our sincere desire that we have captured the essence of Durga historically and accurately, and welcome feedback related to anything that may be inappropriate or inaccurate. 

Wild Wandering

Embracing the Power and Grace of Goddess Durga:

In the rich tapestry of Hindu mythology, few deities embody the dynamic interplay of strength, compassion, and protection as profoundly as Goddess Durga. Revered as the divine mother and the ultimate warrior goddess, Durga's presence is both awe-inspiring and comforting. She stands as a beacon of hope, courage, and righteousness, guiding her devotees through the trials and tribulations of life with unwavering grace and power.

The Birth of Durga- a Divine Intervention:

The story of Goddess Durga's creation is one of divine intervention and cosmic necessity. According to Hindu mythology, the world was once terrorized by the demon Mahishasura, who, through severe penance, had gained a boon that made him nearly invincible. Neither man nor god could defeat him, leading to widespread chaos and despair.

In response, the Trimurti—Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva—along with other gods, combined their divine energies to create a supreme warrior. From this collective energy emerged Goddess Durga, a radiant and formidable figure, armed with weapons and riding a lion, symbolizing her mastery over power and courage. She engaged in a fierce battle with Mahishasura, ultimately vanquishing him and restoring peace and order to the world.

Symbolism and Iconography:

Goddess Durga is often depicted as a resplendent warrior with ten arms, each holding a powerful weapon given to her by different gods, symbolizing the protection she offers to her devotees and the destruction of evil. Her serene and compassionate face amidst the chaos of battle signifies that true power lies in calmness and righteousness.

Lion or Tiger Mount: Durga's mount, the lion or tiger, represents her unlimited power and determination. It symbolizes her mastery over all aspects of nature, including her fierce and protective instincts.

Ten Arms: Her ten arms, each holding a different weapon, indicate that she possesses infinite power to protect her devotees from all directions (the ten cardinal points).

Weapons: Each weapon has a significant meaning:

Trishul (Trident): Given by Shiva, it symbolizes the eradication of the three miseries—physical, mental, and spiritual.

Sudarshan Chakra (Discus): From Vishnu, it represents the wheel of time and the cycle of life and death.

Lotus: Symbolizes purity and detachment.

Bow and Arrow: From Vayu, indicating energy, speed, and focus.

Thunderbolt: Given by Indra, symbolizing firmness of spirit and resilience.

Third Eye: Her third eye represents her ability to see beyond the obvious, symbolizing her omniscience.

Festivals and Worship:

The most significant festival dedicated to Goddess Durga is Navaratri, a nine-night celebration marked by devotion, dance, music, and rituals. Navaratri is divided into three sets of three days, each dedicated to invoking the energy of Durga, Lakshmi (the goddess of wealth), and Saraswati (the goddess of wisdom). The tenth day, known as Vijayadashami or Dussehra, celebrates Durga's victory over Mahishasura, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil.

During Navaratri, devotees observe fasting, perform special prayers, and participate in cultural festivities. Temples and homes are adorned with elaborate decorations, and the atmosphere is filled with devotional fervor and joy.

Lessons from Goddess Durga:

Inner Strength: Durga teaches us that true strength comes from within. Her calm demeanor amidst the chaos of battle is a reminder that inner peace and strength can overcome any external challenge.

Righteousness: Durga’s battles are always fought for the sake of righteousness and justice. She inspires us to stand up for what is right, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

Compassion and Protection: Despite her fearsome appearance, Durga is a compassionate mother figure who protects her devotees. She embodies the balance between power and nurturing care.

Empowerment: Durga's story is one of empowerment, showing that the divine feminine is powerful and capable. She inspires women to recognize and embrace their inner strength and potential.


Goddess Durga, with her multifaceted nature and profound symbolism, is a source of inspiration and strength for millions of devotees around the world. She reminds us that within each of us lies the potential for immense courage, resilience, and compassion. By invoking her divine energy, we can face life's challenges with grace and emerge victorious, just as she did in her epic battle against Mahishasura.

As we honor and worship Goddess Durga, let us embrace her teachings, embody her virtues, and walk the path of righteousness, strength, and compassion. May her blessings empower us to overcome obstacles, protect us from negativity, and guide us towards a life of peace and fulfillment.

Om Dum Durgaye Namah. Salutations to the mighty and compassionate Goddess Durga.

Daily Intention:

"Today, I embrace the strength and courage of Goddess Durga. I honor her unwavering power and her compassionate heart. May her divine energy fill me with the resilience to overcome challenges, the wisdom to make righteous decisions, and the compassion to support and uplift others. I invoke her presence to guide me through life's trials with grace and determination. With a heart open to her blessings, I commit to embodying her virtues of courage, justice, and love in all my actions. Om Dum Durgaye Namah."

Visualization Exercise:

Guided Visualization Exercise with Goddess Durga:


Find a Quiet Space: Choose a comfortable, quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position.
Set the Mood: Dim the lights and light a candle or some incense to create a serene atmosphere. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.


Grounding and Centering:

1. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, feel your body relaxing, releasing any tension.
2. Visualize roots extending from your body into the earth, grounding you and connecting you with the stability and strength of the earth.

Creating the Sacred Space:

1. Imagine a circle of golden light surrounding you, creating a sacred space filled with peace and protection.
2. In this space, you feel safe, calm, and open to the divine energy.

Entering the Sacred Realm:

1. As you sit in this circle of light, see a soft, golden glow beginning to form in front of you. This glow becomes brighter and more radiant.
2. The glow transforms into a magnificent vision of Goddess Durga, seated gracefully on her majestic lion or tiger, radiating strength and compassion.

Meeting Goddess Durga:

1. Gaze upon her serene face and feel the warmth of her loving presence. Her eyes are filled with wisdom and kindness.
2. Notice her ten arms, each holding a divine weapon, symbolizing her ability to protect and empower you.

Receiving Her Blessings:

1. Approach her with respect and reverence. Feel her powerful and protective energy surrounding you.
2. She extends her hand towards you, and as she touches your forehead, a surge of strength, courage, and peace flows into you.
3. Feel this energy filling your entire being, dissolving any fears or doubts, and replacing them with confidence and clarity.

Embracing Her Virtues:

1. Goddess Durga speaks to you, her voice gentle yet powerful. She imparts a message of courage, resilience, and compassion.
2. Listen to her words and let them resonate deeply within you. She reminds you of your inner strength and the importance of standing up for righteousness and justice.

Messages and Insights:

1. Spend a few moments in her presence, asking any questions you may have or seeking guidance on any aspect of your life.
2. Trust in the wisdom she imparts and feel her unwavering support and protection.

Returning to the Present:

1. Thank Goddess Durga for her presence and blessings. Know that her energy and guidance are always with you.
2. Gradually, see the golden glow beginning to fade, bringing you back to your sacred space, grounded and centered.

Closing the Visualization:

-Take a few deep breaths, feeling the connection to the earth and the strength within you.
-When you are ready, gently open your eyes, bringing the energy and blessings of Goddess Durga back into your daily life.


Take a moment to journal any insights, feelings, or messages you received during the visualization. Reflect on how you can integrate these into your life.

This guided visualization can help you connect deeply with Goddess Durga, inviting her strength, courage, and protection into your life. Use this practice whenever you seek empowerment, guidance, or a reminder of your inner resilience.

A Beautiful and Meaningful Ritual in Honor of Goddess Durga:


Create a Sacred Space:

1. Choose a clean, quiet area where you can set up an altar or a sacred space.
2. Decorate the altar with a picture or statue of Goddess Durga, fresh flowers (preferably red or white), incense, a small lamp or candles, and offerings like fruits, sweets, and water.

Gather Supplies:

1. A red cloth to cover the altar
2. A small bowl of water
3. Fresh flowers (marigolds or roses are ideal)
4. Incense sticks and a holder
5. A small oil lamp or candles
6. Offerings such as fruits, sweets, and a small bowl of uncooked rice

Ritual Steps:

Opening the Ritual:

1. Sit comfortably in front of the altar and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
2. Light the incense and the lamp or candles, symbolizing the presence of the divine light.


1. Begin by invoking the presence of Goddess Durga with the following mantra:

Om Dum Durgaye Namah

2. Repeat this mantra 108 times, using a mala (prayer beads) if you have one. Focus on inviting Durga's energy into your space and heart.

Offering and Decoration:

1. Offer fresh flowers at the feet of the image or statue of Durga, symbolizing your devotion and love.
2. Place the fruits, sweets, and rice on the altar as offerings.
3. Sprinkle a few drops of water around the altar, purifying the space.

Reading or Reciting Sacred Texts:

1. Read or recite hymns and prayers dedicated to Goddess Durga, such as the Durga Chalisa or excerpts from the Devi Mahatmyam.
2. Reflect on the stories of Durga's valor, compassion, and wisdom.

Personal Prayer and Intention Setting:

1. Take a moment to speak from your heart, expressing your gratitude and seeking Durga’s blessings.
2. Set a personal intention or prayer, asking for strength, protection, and guidance in your life.
3. You may use the following prayer:

O Divine Mother Durga,
Source of strength and compassion,
I seek your blessings and guidance.
Fill my heart with courage and my mind with clarity.
Help me overcome challenges with grace and fortitude.
Protect me and my loved ones, and lead us on the path of righteousness.
Om Dum Durgaye Namah.

Meditation and Visualization:

1. Sit in quiet meditation for a few minutes. Visualize Goddess Durga in her radiant form, riding her lion, filled with power and grace.
2. Imagine her divine light enveloping you, filling you with strength, courage, and peace.

Concluding the Ritual:

1. Thank Goddess Durga for her presence and blessings.
2. Close the ritual by chanting:

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

3. Bow your head and offer a final prayer of gratitude.

Distribution of Prasad:

1. Share the offerings (fruits, sweets, and rice) as prasad (blessed food) with family or friends, symbolizing the sharing of divine blessings.

Reflection and Integration:

Take some time to reflect on your experience and any insights or feelings that arose during the ritual.

Journal your reflections and any messages you received from Goddess Durga.

Carry the energy and blessings from the ritual into your daily life, embodying Durga’s virtues of courage, compassion, and protection.

Performing this ritual regularly, especially during auspicious times like Navaratri, can help deepen your connection with Goddess Durga and bring her powerful, protective energy into your life.
An additional invocation to Durga:

O Mighty Goddess Durga, Divine Mother of the Universe, Source of all strength and compassion, I invoke your powerful presence today.

O Vanquisher of Mahishasura, You who ride the fearless lion, Clad in radiant red garments, With ten arms bearing divine weapons, You are the embodiment of courage and grace.

O Compassionate Mother, With a heart full of love, You protect your devotees from all harm, Guiding us through the darkness, Illuminating our path with your divine light.

O Eternal Warrior, Destroyer of evil and preserver of righteousness, Grant me your strength to overcome obstacles, Your wisdom to make righteous choices, And your compassion to nurture and uplift others.

O Divine Shakti, In your infinite forms, You encompass the entire universe, Filling it with your boundless energy and grace.

Om Dum Durgaye Namah, Salutations to you, O Goddess Durga, I bow before your divine presence, Seeking your blessings and guidance, In all aspects of my life.

With a heart full of devotion, I honor you, O Mother Durga, May your divine power flow through me, Inspiring courage, resilience, and love, Today and always.

Om Shakti Om, Om Dum Durgaye Namah.

Feel free to use this invocation in your daily practice or during special rituals dedicated to Goddess Durga to seek her blessings and divine presence in your life.

Mantras and Prayers for Goddess Durga:

Goddess Durga is revered for her power, protection, and divine grace. Chanting her mantras and reciting prayers dedicated to her can invoke her blessings and guidance. Here are some powerful mantras and prayers for Goddess Durga:

Mantras for Goddess Durga:

1. Durga Moola Mantra: This basic mantra is often chanted to invoke Durga’s presence and seek her blessings.

Om Dum Durgaye Namah

2. Durga Gayatri Mantra: This mantra combines the power of the Gayatri mantra with the invocation of Durga.

Om Katyayanyai Cha Vidmahe Kanyakumari Dhimahi
Tanno Durga Prachodayat

3. Navarna Mantra: This is a powerful mantra used in many Durga worship rituals.

Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundayai Vichche

4. Durga Saptashloki: These seven verses are from the Durga Saptashati (Devi Mahatmyam) and are considered very auspicious.

Om Jnaninamapi Chetamsi Devi Bhagavati Hi Sa
Baladakrishya Mohaya Mahamaya Prayachhati

Prayers for Goddess Durga:

1. Durga Chalisa: This forty-verse hymn is a popular prayer that praises Durga and seeks her blessings.

Namo Namo Durge Sukh Karni
Namo Namo Ambe Dukh Harni

2. Durga Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram: This prayer lists the 108 names of Goddess Durga, each highlighting a different aspect of her divine nature.

Durga Durgartishamani Durgapadavivarini
Durgamachhedini Durgasadhini Durganashini

3. Durga Stuti: This is a hymn of praise for Goddess Durga, often recited during Navaratri.

Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Matru Rupena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah

Daily Prayer for Goddess Durga:

O Divine Mother Durga,
Source of all strength and grace,
I bow before your radiant presence,
Seeking your protection and guidance.

You who vanquish all evils,
Fill my heart with courage and determination,
Grant me the wisdom to walk the path of righteousness,
And the compassion to uplift and support others.

O Mighty Warrior,
With your divine weapons,
Destroy the obstacles in my life,
And protect me from all harm.

Om Dum Durgaye Namah,
Salutations to you, O Mother Durga,
May your blessings be with me,
Today and always.

How to Use These Mantras and Prayers:

1. Preparation: Find a quiet and clean place to sit comfortably. Light a lamp or candle and incense to create a sacred atmosphere.

2. Centering: Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

3. Chanting: Choose a mantra or prayer that resonates with you. Chant it slowly and with devotion, ideally repeating it 108 times using a mala (prayer beads) to keep count.

4. Meditation: After chanting, sit in silent meditation for a few minutes, allowing the vibrations of the mantra to settle within you.

5. Gratitude: Conclude your practice with a moment of gratitude, thanking Goddess Durga for her presence and blessings.

Regularly incorporating these mantras and prayers into your spiritual practice can help you connect deeply with Goddess Durga, receiving her strength, protection, and guidance in your life.

To learn more about Goddess Durga, you can explore a variety of resources including books, academic articles, online courses, websites, and community groups. Here are some suggestions to deepen your understanding and connection with Goddess Durga:


"The Power of the Female: Devī-Māhātmya and its Cult" by Thomas B. Coburn

This scholarly work delves into the Devī-Māhātmya (Durga Saptashati), an important text that praises Goddess Durga and recounts her various forms and exploits.

"Durga: The Warrior Goddess" by Krishna Dharma

A detailed account of the myths, rituals, and significance of Goddess Durga, providing insights into her role in Hinduism and her worship.

"Shakti: Realm of the Divine Mother" by Vanamali

This book explores various aspects of the Divine Mother in Hinduism, including Goddess Durga. It offers a comprehensive look at her symbolism, worship, and mythology.

"Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine: The Ten Mahavidyas" by David Kinsley

This book includes a detailed chapter on Goddess Durga and her role as one of the Mahavidyas, providing a deep understanding of her tantric aspects.

Articles and Papers:

Academic Journals and Papers:

Look for academic papers and journal articles on Hinduism, Shaktism, and the worship of Goddess Durga in databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or university libraries. These often provide in-depth analyses and historical context.

Hindu Religious Studies Journals:

Journals dedicated to Hindu studies often have articles focusing on specific deities and their worship. Check journals like the "International Journal of Hindu Studies" or "Journal of Vaishnava Studies."

Online Resources:

Websites and Blogs:

Websites like, Speaking Tree, and Learn Religions often have detailed articles and resources on Goddess Durga.

YouTube Channels:

Channels dedicated to Hindu spirituality and mythology often have videos discussing Goddess Durga’s stories, rituals, and significance. Look for channels like "Geethanjali - Indian Spiritual Music" and "Hindu Devotional Blog."

Online Courses and Lectures:

Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and The Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies offer courses and lectures on Hinduism and the Divine Feminine, which may include modules on Goddess Durga.

Temples and Spiritual Centers:

Visiting Temples:

Visiting temples dedicated to Goddess Durga or those that have shrines for her can provide a direct experience of her worship. Speaking with priests and devotees can also offer valuable insights.

Spiritual Retreats:

Attending spiritual retreats or workshops focused on the Divine Feminine or Shaktism can provide deeper experiential learning about Goddess Durga.

Community and Discussion Groups:

Online Forums and Social Media Groups:

Join forums and social media groups dedicated to Hinduism, Shaktism, and the worship of Goddess Durga. Participating in discussions and asking questions can be a great way to learn from others’ experiences and knowledge.

Local Hindu Temples and Societies:

Engaging with local Hindu communities and societies can provide access to knowledgeable individuals, cultural practices, and group worship sessions dedicated to Goddess Durga.

Sacred Texts:

Devī-Māhātmya (Durga Saptashati):

This is one of the most important texts dedicated to Goddess Durga, detailing her various forms, battles, and victories. Available in many translations and commentaries, it’s a foundational text for understanding her worship.


Texts like the Markandeya Purana, Skanda Purana, and Devi Bhagavata Purana contain numerous stories and hymns dedicated to Goddess Durga.

By exploring these resources, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of Goddess Durga, her significance, and how to incorporate her worship and teachings into your spiritual practice.