As we continue exploring Goddesses from the perspective of the Divine Feminine and exploring the rich history of those who have come before us, we at Wild Wandering, have the utmost respect for all religions and practices around the world, both past and present.

In the Hindu Goddess sections of our Divine Feminine series, we honor these deities with respect for their cultural and religious importance, while delving into their spiritual symbolism that can be protected and honored.

Each goddess embodies unique aspects of the Divine Feminine, offering timeless lessons in strength, compassion, wisdom, and nurturing. By understanding the stories and attributes of these goddesses, we aim to provide a deeper appreciation of their roles in both spiritual practice and everyday life, celebrating the powerful and nurturing essence of the feminine divine.

Furthermore, we recognize that the artistic depictions of these Goddesses might not conform to their traditional representations. We are infusing a contemporary and bohemian flair into our visuals to resonate with our modern audience and the general ambiance of our website.

We hold the sacred deities of Hinduism in the highest regard, and through raising awareness and providing education to our readers, we aim to foster a greater understanding of our diverse cultures and traditions, thereby cultivating respect for our varied beliefs around the world.

It is our sincere desire that we have captured the essence of Dhumavati historically and accurately, and welcome feedback related to anything that may be inappropriate or inaccurate. 

Wild Wandering

Embracing the Wisdom of Goddess Dhumavati-The Smoky One:

In the pantheon of Hindu deities, Goddess Dhumavati stands as a powerful and enigmatic figure. She is one of the ten Mahavidyas, a group of ten wisdom goddesses in Shaktism, each representing a different aspect of the divine feminine energy. Dhumavati, known as the "Smoky One," embodies the darker, transformative aspects of life, often invoking feelings of awe and reverence among her devotees.

The Smoky One: Symbolism and Iconography:

Goddess Dhumavati is depicted as an elderly woman, a rare and profound representation of the divine feminine. She is portrayed as a widow, draped in white or dark, smoky garments, riding a chariot without horses, symbolizing her independence and detachment from the material world. Her unkempt hair and stern expression reflect her fierce nature, yet her eyes convey deep wisdom and compassion.

Dhumavati holds a winnowing basket in her hands, a powerful symbol of separation, discernment, and transformation. Just as the winnowing basket separates grain from chaff, Dhumavati helps her devotees distinguish truth from illusion, guiding them through the trials of life to attain spiritual clarity and wisdom.

The Essence of Dhumavati:

Dhumavati is often associated with the inauspicious and the void, representing aspects of life that are typically feared or avoided. She embodies the energy of decay, loss, and destruction, yet within these themes lies profound spiritual insight. Dhumavati teaches us to embrace the transient nature of existence, to find strength in solitude, and to uncover the hidden treasures within adversity.

Her name, "Dhumavati," translates to "the smoky one," indicating her presence in the form of smoke, which is both formless and pervasive. Smoke symbolizes the ephemeral and ever-changing nature of the universe, reminding us that nothing is permanent and encouraging us to look beyond superficial appearances to the deeper truths of life.

Lessons from Dhumavati:

1. Embracing Impermanence: Dhumavati's energy helps us accept the impermanent nature of all things. She guides us to let go of attachments and embrace the cycles of creation and destruction that are inherent in life.
2. Finding Strength in Solitude: As a widow and an independent figure, Dhumavati symbolizes the strength that comes from self-reliance and inner reflection. She encourages us to find power in solitude and to seek wisdom within ourselves.
3. Transformative Power of Adversity: Dhumavati teaches that through adversity and loss, we can uncover profound spiritual insights. Her presence reminds us that even in the darkest times, there is an opportunity for growth and transformation.
4. Discernment and Wisdom: The winnowing basket she holds is a tool for discernment, separating what is valuable from what is not. Dhumavati helps us cultivate the ability to see through illusions and recognize the essence of truth.

Worship and Invocation:

Worshiping Dhumavati involves embracing her energies of detachment and transformation. Devotees offer her simple, unadorned offerings, often in secluded places, seeking her blessings for wisdom, protection, and liberation from ignorance.

One of the powerful mantras dedicated to Dhumavati is:

Om Dhumavatyai Swaha

Chanting this mantra with devotion can invoke her presence and guidance, helping us navigate the complexities of life with greater clarity and strength.


Goddess Dhumavati, with her profound and often misunderstood energy, invites us to delve deep into the mysteries of existence. She stands as a testament to the power of transformation, reminding us that within the shadows lie the seeds of light. By embracing her teachings, we can learn to navigate life's challenges with grace, emerging wiser and more resilient. Let us honor Dhumavati, the Smoky One, and welcome her transformative wisdom into our hearts and lives.

In the embrace of Dhumavati's smoky veil, may we find the courage to face our fears, the wisdom to discern truth, and the strength to transform adversity into spiritual enlightenment.

Daily Intention:

"Today, I embrace the wisdom of Goddess Dhumavati. I honor the impermanence of all things and find strength in solitude. May her transformative energy guide me through life's challenges, helping me discern truth from illusion. In moments of adversity, I seek her grace to uncover hidden insights and grow in wisdom. With a heart open to change and a spirit ready to evolve, I welcome the blessings of the Smoky One into my life."

Visualization Exercise:


1. Find a Quiet Space: Choose a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position.
2. Set the Mood: Dim the lights and light a candle or some incense to create a serene atmosphere. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.


1. Grounding and Centering:

-Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, feel your body relaxing, releasing any tension.
- Imagine roots extending from your body into the earth, grounding you and connecting you with the stability and strength of the earth.

2. Creating the Sacred Space:

-Visualize a circle of light surrounding you, creating a sacred space filled with peace and protection.
-In this space, you feel safe, calm, and open to the divine energy.

3. Entering the Mystical Realm:

-Imagine a soft, smoky mist beginning to envelop your sacred space. This mist is gentle and soothing, filled with the presence of Goddess Dhumavati.
-As the mist thickens, you feel yourself being transported to a mystical realm, a place beyond time and space where the goddess resides.

Meeting Goddess Dhumavati:

- In the midst of this smoky veil, you see a radiant figure emerging. It is Goddess Dhumavati, the Smoky One, with her serene and wise presence.
- She is an elderly woman, draped in simple, smoky garments, with unkempt hair and a gentle, compassionate gaze. Her eyes hold the wisdom of the ages.

Receiving Her Blessings:

- Approach her with respect and reverence. Feel her loving and protective energy surrounding you.
- She extends her hands, holding a winnowing basket. With a gentle motion, she separates the chaff from the grain, symbolizing the discernment of truth from illusion.
- Feel her energy helping you release any illusions, doubts, or fears. She is guiding you to see the deeper truths within and around you.

Embracing Transformation:

- As you stand before her, she places her hands on your heart, filling you with a warm, transformative light.
- This light spreads throughout your entire being, dissolving any negativity and bringing a sense of peace and clarity.
- Embrace this transformation, knowing that through adversity and challenges, you are growing stronger and wiser.

Messages and Insights:

- Spend a few moments in her presence, listening to any messages or insights she may have for you. Trust in the wisdom she imparts.
- Feel free to ask her any questions or seek guidance on any aspect of your life.

Returning to the Present:

- Thank Goddess Dhumavati for her presence and blessings. Know that her wisdom and protection are always with you.
- Gradually, see the smoky mist beginning to fade, bringing you back to your sacred space, grounded and centered.

Closing the Visualization:

- Take a few deep breaths, feeling the connection to the earth and the strength within you.
- When you are ready, gently open your eyes, bringing the wisdom and peace of Goddess Dhumavati back into your daily life.


- Take a moment to journal any insights, feelings, or messages you received during the visualization. Reflect on how you can integrate these into your life.

This guided visualization can help you connect deeply with Goddess Dhumavati, embracing her transformative energy and wisdom. Use this practice whenever you seek clarity, strength, and spiritual growth.

Daily Ritual in Honor of Goddess Dhumavati:

Setting the Space:

1. Choose a Quiet Place: Find a quiet, undisturbed corner in your home where you can set up a small altar or sacred space dedicated to Goddess Dhumavati.
2. Cleanse the Area: Light incense or sage to purify the space. Let the smoke fill the area, symbolizing the presence of Dhumavati, the Smoky One.

Altar Setup:

1. Simple Offerings: Place simple offerings on the altar such as white flowers, a small bowl of rice, and a clean white cloth. These symbolize purity and detachment.
2. Image or Symbol: Place an image or symbolic representation of Goddess Dhumavati. This could be a statue, a picture, or even a symbolic object like a winnowing basket.


1. Light a Lamp: Light a small oil lamp or a candle on the altar, representing the light of wisdom and clarity.
2. Chanting the Mantra: Sit comfortably in front of the altar. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and center yourself. Then, chant her mantra:

Om Dhumavatyai Swaha

Repeat the mantra 108 times using a mala (prayer beads) to keep count. Focus on invoking her presence and seeking her guidance.

Meditation and Reflection:

1. Silent Meditation: After chanting, sit in silent meditation for a few minutes. Visualize Goddess Dhumavati enveloping you in her smoky presence, dissolving illusions and granting you the wisdom to see the deeper truths.
2. Daily Intention: Recite your daily intention aloud or silently: "Today, I embrace the wisdom of Goddess Dhumavati. I honor the impermanence of all things and find strength in solitude. May her transformative energy guide me through life's challenges, helping me discern truth from illusion. In moments of adversity, I seek her grace to uncover hidden insights and grow in wisdom. With a heart open to change and a spirit ready to evolve, I welcome the blessings of the Smoky One into my life."

Closing the Ritual:

1. Offer Gratitude: Express your gratitude to Goddess Dhumavati for her presence and guidance. Bow your head and place your hands in a prayer position.
2. Extinguish the Lamp: Gently extinguish the lamp or candle, symbolizing the completion of the ritual while retaining the light of wisdom within you.
3. Daily Practice: Carry the energy and insights from the ritual with you throughout the day. Reflect on the lessons of Dhumavati, especially in moments of challenge or uncertainty.

This daily ritual, performed with sincerity and devotion, can help you connect deeply with Goddess Dhumavati, inviting her transformative wisdom into your life.

An additional invocation to Goddess Dhumavati:

O Goddess Dhumavati, the Smoky One, Ancient Mother of wisdom and transformation, I invoke your powerful presence today.

You who ride the chariot of solitude, Wrapped in the mystic veil of smoke, Guide me through the shadows of ignorance, Unveil the hidden truths within and around me.

O Fierce and Compassionate One, With your winnowing basket of discernment, Help me separate the real from the illusion, The transient from the eternal.

Teach me to embrace impermanence, To find strength in moments of solitude, And to transform adversity into spiritual growth.

O Great Empress of the Void, In your silent, timeless gaze, May I find the courage to face my fears, The wisdom to accept life's fleeting nature, And the serenity to let go of attachments.

Grant me your blessings, O Dhumavati, So I may walk the path of truth, With clarity, resilience, and grace.

Om Dhumavatyai Namah, Salutations to you, O Goddess of the Smoky Veil.

Feel free to use this invocation in your spiritual practices to call upon the wisdom and transformative power of Goddess Dhumavati.

Mantras and Prayers for Goddess Dhumavati:

Goddess Dhumavati, one of the ten Mahavidyas, represents the transformative power of adversity and the wisdom that comes from embracing the darker aspects of life. Invoking her through mantras and prayers can bring profound insights, protection, and spiritual growth. Here are some powerful mantras and prayers dedicated to her:

Mantras for Goddess Dhumavati:

Dhumavati Moola Mantra: This is the basic and most commonly chanted mantra for invoking Goddess Dhumavati.

Om Dhumavatyai Namah

Dhumavati Beej Mantra: This mantra uses the seed syllable associated with Goddess Dhumavati to invoke her energy and blessings.

Dhoom Dhumavatyai Namah

Dhumavati Gayatri Mantra: This mantra is a powerful invocation seeking the wisdom and guidance of Goddess Dhumavati.

Om Dhoom Dhumavatyai Dheemahi
Tanno Dhumavati Prachodayat

Prayers for Goddess Dhumavati:

Dhumavati Stotra: This prayer praises the attributes and powers of Goddess Dhumavati.

Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Dhumavatyabhidhiyate
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah

Dhumavati Ashtakam: An eight-verse hymn dedicated to Goddess Dhumavati, highlighting her attributes and seeking her blessings.

Dhumavati Mahadevi Yo Vasheekurute Janam
Tamasesham Sukham Yaccha Dhumavatyai Namo Namah

Daily Prayer for Goddess Dhumavati:

O Goddess Dhumavati, the Smoky One,
I bow to you with reverence and devotion.
Grant me the wisdom to discern truth from illusion,
The strength to face adversity with courage,
And the clarity to embrace the impermanence of all things.
Guide me through the shadows and unveil the hidden truths,
So I may walk the path of spiritual growth and transformation.
Om Dhumavatyai Namah.

How to Use These Mantras and Prayers:

Preparation: Create a quiet, clean space for your practice. You may light a candle or incense to create a sacred atmosphere.
Center Yourself: Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths to calm your mind and body.
Chanting: Choose a mantra or prayer that resonates with you. Chant it slowly and with focus, ideally repeating it 108 times using a mala (prayer beads) to keep count.
Meditation: After chanting, sit in silent meditation for a few minutes, allowing the vibrations of the mantra to settle within you.
Gratitude: Conclude your practice with a moment of gratitude, thanking Goddess Dhumavati for her presence and blessings.

Regularly incorporating these mantras and prayers into your spiritual practice can help you connect deeply with Goddess Dhumavati, receiving her guidance and wisdom in your life.

To learn more about Goddess Dhumavati, you can explore a variety of resources ranging from books and scholarly articles to online courses and websites dedicated to Hinduism and the Mahavidyas. Here are some suggestions:


"Shakti: Realm of the Divine Mother" by Vanamali

This book provides a comprehensive look at various aspects of the Divine Mother in Hinduism, including the Mahavidyas. It offers detailed descriptions and stories related to each goddess, including Dhumavati.

"Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine: The Ten Mahavidyas" by David Kinsley

A scholarly work that delves into the ten Mahavidyas, offering insights into their symbolism, worship, and significance. It includes a chapter on Goddess Dhumavati.

"Dasa Mahavidyas: Ten Great Revelations" by S. Shankaranarayanan

This book focuses on the esoteric aspects of the Mahavidyas, exploring their deeper spiritual meanings and practices. Dhumavati is discussed in detail.

"The Ten Great Cosmic Powers: Dasa Mahavidyas" by Swami Sivananda

A book by a renowned spiritual teacher that explains the significance and worship of the Mahavidyas, including Dhumavati, from a yogic perspective.

Articles and Papers:

Academic Journals and Papers:

Look for academic papers and journal articles on Hinduism, Tantric traditions, and the Mahavidyas in databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or university libraries. These often provide in-depth and scholarly analyses of Goddess Dhumavati.

Hindu Religious Studies Journals:

Journals dedicated to Hindu studies often have articles focusing on specific deities and their worship. Check journals like the "International Journal of Hindu Studies" or "Journal of Vaishnava Studies."

Online Resources:

Websites and Blogs:

Websites like and Speaking Tree often have articles and resources on the Mahavidyas and individual goddesses like Dhumavati.

YouTube Channels:

Channels dedicated to Hindu spirituality and mythology often have videos discussing the Mahavidyas. Look for channels like "Esoteric and Mysticism," "Geethanjali - Indian Spiritual Music," and others that delve into the stories and worship practices of these goddesses.

Online Courses and Lectures:

Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and The Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies offer courses and lectures on Hinduism, which may include modules on the Mahavidyas.

Temples and Spiritual Centers:

Visiting Temples:

Visiting temples dedicated to the Mahavidyas or those that have shrines for Dhumavati can provide a direct experience of her worship. Speaking with priests and devotees can also offer valuable insights.

Spiritual Retreats:

Attending spiritual retreats or workshops focused on the Divine Feminine or Tantric practices can provide deeper experiential learning about Goddess Dhumavati.
Community and Discussion Groups

Online Forums and Social Media Groups:

Join forums and social media groups dedicated to Hinduism, Shaktism, and the Mahavidyas. Participating in discussions and asking questions can be a great way to learn from others' experiences and knowledge.

Local Hindu Temples and Societies:

Engaging with local Hindu communities and societies can provide access to knowledgeable individuals, cultural practices, and group worship sessions dedicated to Goddess Dhumavati.

By exploring these resources, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of Goddess Dhumavati, her significance, and how to incorporate her wisdom and energy into your spiritual practice.