As we continue exploring Goddesses from the perspective of the Divine Feminine and exploring the rich history of those who have come before us, we at Wild Wandering, have the utmost respect for all religions and practices around the world, both past and present.

In the Hindu Goddess sections of our Divine Feminine series, we honor these deities with respect for their cultural and religious importance, while delving into their spiritual symbolism that should be protected and honored.

Each goddess embodies unique aspects of the Divine Feminine, offering timeless lessons in strength, compassion, wisdom, and nurturing. By understanding the stories and attributes of these goddesses, we aim to provide a deeper appreciation of their roles in both spiritual practice and everyday life, celebrating the powerful and nurturing essence of the feminine divine.

Furthermore, we recognize that the artistic depictions of these Goddesses might not conform to their traditional representations. We are infusing a contemporary and bohemian flair into our visuals to resonate with our modern audience and the general ambiance of our website.

We hold the sacred deities of Hinduism in the highest regard, and through raising awareness and providing education to our readers, we aim to foster a greater understanding of our diverse cultures and traditions, thereby cultivating respect for our varied beliefs around the world.

It is our sincere desire that we have captured the essence of Bhuvaneshwari historically and accurately, and welcome feedback related to anything that may be inappropriate or inaccurate. 

Wild Wandering

Embracing the Divine Feminine- The Majesty of Goddess Bhuvaneshwari:

In the vast and intricate tapestry of Hindu mythology, Goddess Bhuvaneshwari stands as a radiant embodiment of the Divine Feminine. Revered as the Queen of the Universe, Bhuvaneshwari holds a position of immense significance and reverence. Her name, derived from the Sanskrit words "Bhuvana" (world) and "Ishwari" (goddess or queen), aptly reflects her dominion over the cosmos and her nurturing, sovereign nature. This blog post delves into the profound aspects of Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, exploring her mythology, symbolism, and ways to honor her presence in our lives.

The Mythology of Bhuvaneshwari:

Goddess Bhuvaneshwari is one of the ten Mahavidyas, a group of powerful and enigmatic goddesses in Hinduism. Each Mahavidya represents a unique aspect of the divine feminine energy, with Bhuvaneshwari symbolizing the boundless expanse of the universe and the nurturing aspect of creation.

According to legend, Bhuvaneshwari emerged from the primordial cosmic energy, embodying the entire universe within her form. She is often depicted as a beautiful and majestic deity, with a serene countenance that exudes compassion and wisdom. Bhuvaneshwari is closely associated with the element of space (Akasha) and is believed to encompass all of existence within her.

Symbolism and Attributes:

1. The Cosmic Queen: Bhuvaneshwari is known as the Queen of the Universe, signifying her supreme authority and control over all creation. She is often depicted seated on a throne, symbolizing her royal status and dominion over the cosmos.

2. The Nurturing Mother: As the embodiment of the nurturing aspect of the divine feminine, Bhuvaneshwari is seen as a motherly figure who provides sustenance and protection to all beings. Her presence is a reminder of the caring and compassionate nature of the universe.

3. Four Arms and Emblems: Bhuvaneshwari is typically depicted with four arms, each holding a specific emblem. These emblems include the noose (Pasha), goad (Ankusha), and sometimes a bowl or a book. The noose represents her ability to bind and liberate, while the goad symbolizes her power to direct and control. The bowl signifies nourishment, and the book represents wisdom.

4. Radiant Beauty: Bhuvaneshwari's beauty is often described as radiant and captivating, symbolizing the allure and magnificence of the universe. Her serene expression reflects inner peace and boundless compassion.

Spiritual Significance:

1. Embracing the Universe: Bhuvaneshwari's expansive nature encourages us to embrace the vastness of the universe and recognize the interconnectedness of all life. She teaches us to see beyond the limitations of the material world and connect with the infinite.

2. Nurturing and Compassion: As a nurturing mother figure, Bhuvaneshwari reminds us of the importance of compassion and care. Her energy inspires us to be kind and supportive, fostering a sense of unity and harmony in our relationships and communities.

3. Wisdom and Guidance: Bhuvaneshwari's association with wisdom and guidance highlights the importance of seeking knowledge and understanding. She encourages us to look within for answers and trust in the innate wisdom of the universe.

Honoring Goddess Bhuvaneshwari:

1. Creating a Sacred Space: To honor Bhuvaneshwari, create a sacred space or altar in your home. Include her image or statue, along with offerings such as flowers, incense, and fruits. Light a lamp or candle to signify her radiant presence.

2. Reciting Mantras and Prayers: Chanting mantras dedicated to Bhuvaneshwari is a powerful way to invoke her blessings. One of the most popular mantras is:

Om Aim Hrim Shrim Klim Bhuvaneshwaryai Namah

This mantra honors her as the cosmic queen and seeks her guidance and protection.

3. Meditating on Her Energy: Spend time in meditation, focusing on the expansive and nurturing energy of Bhuvaneshwari. Visualize her radiant form and feel her presence enveloping you with love and wisdom.

4. Acts of Compassion: Embody the compassionate nature of Bhuvaneshwari by engaging in acts of kindness and service. Volunteer, support those in need, and cultivate a nurturing environment in your personal and professional life.


Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, the Queen of the Universe, embodies the boundless and nurturing aspects of the Divine Feminine. Her presence reminds us of the interconnectedness of all life and the importance of compassion, wisdom, and inner peace. By honoring Bhuvaneshwari in our daily lives, we can cultivate a deeper connection with the universe and embrace the divine energy that sustains and nurtures all existence. Let us bow to her majestic presence and seek her blessings as we navigate the vast and wondrous journey of life.

Beautiful Intentions to Goddess Bhuvaneshwari: 

Morning Intention:

"As the dawn breaks and the world awakens, I honor Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, the Queen of the Universe. May her radiant presence fill my day with boundless compassion and wisdom. I set my intention to embrace the vastness of the universe and recognize the interconnectedness of all life. With each breath, I draw in her nurturing energy, and with each action, I reflect her infinite love and grace. May my day be filled with kindness, understanding, and the serene beauty of her divine presence."

Afternoon Intention:

"As the sun reaches its zenith, I pause to honor Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, the cosmic mother who sustains all creation. In the midst of my daily activities, I set my intention to remain grounded in her expansive wisdom and nurturing energy. May her guiding light illuminate my path, helping me to navigate challenges with grace and compassion. Let her presence remind me to act with kindness and patience, fostering harmony in all my interactions and endeavors."

Evening Intention:

"As the day draws to a close and the stars begin to shine, I honor Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, the serene sovereign of the night sky. In the quiet of the evening, I set my intention to reflect on the day's experiences with gratitude and peace. May her soothing energy envelop me, bringing rest and rejuvenation to my body, mind, and spirit. I seek her blessings for a restful night, filled with dreams that inspire and heal. As I prepare for sleep, I surrender to her infinite wisdom, trusting in the nurturing embrace of her divine love."

These intentions, set at different times of the day, help cultivate a continuous connection with Goddess Bhuvaneshwari's divine energy, bringing a sense of balance, peace, and spiritual fulfillment to your daily life.

Daily Visualization with Goddess Bhuvaneshwari:

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down without being disturbed. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing your body and mind to relax. Begin to visualize the following scene:

 Morning Visualization:

1. Setting the Scene: As you close your eyes, visualize the first light of dawn breaking across the horizon. The sky is painted with soft hues of pink and gold, and the air is fresh and filled with the promise of a new day.

2. Meeting Bhuvaneshwari: In the center of this serene landscape, see a magnificent throne made of radiant gold. Seated on this throne is Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, the Queen of the Universe. She is dressed in a vibrant, flowing saree of deep red and gold, symbolizing her regal and nurturing nature. Her presence exudes a warm, compassionate energy that envelops you in a sense of peace and protection.

3. Receiving Her Blessings: As you approach her, feel her loving gaze upon you. She smiles gently and raises her hand in blessing. Visualize a soft, golden light emanating from her hand, enveloping your entire being. This light fills you with her divine energy, bringing a sense of clarity, wisdom, and boundless compassion.

4. Embracing Her Energy: Take a few moments to bask in this divine light, allowing it to penetrate every cell of your body. Feel the warmth and nurturing energy of Bhuvaneshwari flowing through you, filling you with strength and serenity.

5. Setting Your Intention: In this sacred space, set your intention for the day. Silently or aloud, say:

"Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, I embrace your boundless wisdom and compassion. May your nurturing energy guide my actions today, helping me to embody kindness, understanding, and love in all that I do."

6. Closing the Visualization: Slowly begin to bring your awareness back to the present moment. Feel the ground beneath you and the air around you. Take a deep breath, carrying with you the serene and nurturing energy of Goddess Bhuvaneshwari into your day.

 Afternoon Visualization:

1. Setting the Scene: Visualize the sun high in the sky, its golden rays bathing the earth in warmth and light. You find yourself in a lush, green meadow filled with vibrant flowers and tall, majestic trees.

2. Meeting Bhuvaneshwari: In the center of the meadow stands Goddess Bhuvaneshwari. She is surrounded by an aura of golden light, her presence as majestic and nurturing as the sun itself. Her serene face radiates compassion and wisdom.

3. Receiving Her Blessings: As you approach her, she extends her hands towards you, and a gentle, comforting light emanates from her being. This light envelops you, bringing a sense of calm and clarity to your mind and body.

4. Embracing Her Energy: Feel the energy of Bhuvaneshwari filling you with renewed strength and purpose. This light clears away any stress or negativity, leaving you grounded and centered.

5. Setting Your Intention: In this sacred space, set your intention for the rest of the day. Silently or aloud, say:

"Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, I draw strength and clarity from your divine presence. May your wisdom guide me through the afternoon, helping me to navigate challenges with grace and compassion."

6. Closing the Visualization: Slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment. Feel the energy of Bhuvaneshwari within you, and take a deep breath, carrying her guiding light with you through the remainder of your day.

 Evening Visualization:

1. Setting the Scene: Visualize the sky transitioning into twilight, with stars beginning to twinkle against the deepening blue. A sense of calm and tranquility envelops the world as the day comes to a close.

2. Meeting Bhuvaneshwari: In this peaceful twilight, see Goddess Bhuvaneshwari seated on a throne made of starlight. She is dressed in a serene, flowing saree that shimmers with the light of a thousand stars, symbolizing her dominion over the cosmos.

3. Receiving Her Blessings: As you approach her, she smiles warmly and extends her hand towards you. A soothing, silvery light flows from her hand, enveloping you in a cocoon of peace and protection. This light washes away the weariness of the day, leaving you refreshed and rejuvenated.

4. Embracing Her Energy: Feel the calming energy of Bhuvaneshwari permeating your entire being. This light fills you with a profound sense of peace, preparing you for a restful night’s sleep.

5. Setting Your Intention: In this sacred space, set your intention for the night. Silently or aloud, say:

"Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, I embrace your serene and nurturing energy. May your divine light guide me into a peaceful and restorative sleep, filling my dreams with wisdom and inspiration."

6. Closing the Visualization: Slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment. Feel the serene energy of Bhuvaneshwari within you, and take a deep breath, carrying her peaceful presence with you into the night.

By engaging in these visualizations throughout the day, you can maintain a continuous connection with Goddess Bhuvaneshwari's divine energy, bringing a sense of balance, peace, and spiritual fulfillment into your daily life.

A Ritual in Honor of Goddess Bhuvaneshwari:

This ritual is designed to honor Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, the Queen of the Universe. It emphasizes gratitude, compassion, and the nurturing aspects of the divine feminine. Performing this ritual can help you connect with her expansive and loving energy, bringing peace and wisdom into your life.


Materials Needed:

1. An image or statue of Goddess Bhuvaneshwari

2. A small table or altar

3. Fresh flowers (preferably red or gold)

4. Incense (preferably sandalwood or jasmine)

5. A candle (preferably red or gold)

6. A bowl of water

7. A bowl of grains (rice, wheat, or any other staple)

8. Fruits and sweets

9. A bell or chime

10. A clean cloth or napkin



1. Set Up the Altar:

-Place the image or statue of Goddess Bhuvaneshwari at the center of your altar.

-Arrange fresh flowers around her image.

-Place the candle, incense, bowl of water, bowl of grains, and fruits/sweets on the altar.

2. Cleanse the Space:

-Ring the bell or chime gently to clear the energy of the space

-Take a few deep breaths to center yourself.


The Ritual:

1. Invocation:

-Stand or sit comfortably in front of the altar. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

-Visualize a radiant, golden light surrounding you and the altar.

-Say aloud or silently:

"I call upon Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, Queen of the Universe, to bless this space with your divine presence. Fill my heart with your boundless compassion, wisdom, and nurturing energy."

2. Lighting the Candle:

-Light the candle, symbolizing the divine light of Bhuvaneshwari.


"As this candle burns, may the light of Goddess Bhuvaneshwari illuminate my path and fill my heart with her radiant energy."

3. Offering Incense:

-Light the incense and gently wave it around the altar.


"I offer this incense to Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, may its fragrance carry my prayers and intentions to the divine."

4. Offering Water:

-Take the bowl of water and hold it up to the image of Bhuvaneshwari.


"Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, I offer this water as a symbol of purity and life. May it cleanse and nourish all beings."

5. Offering Grains:

-Take the bowl of grains in your hands and hold it up to the image of Bhuvaneshwari.


"Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, I offer these grains as a symbol of nourishment and abundance. May my heart be filled with gratitude for the sustenance you provide."

6. Offering Fruits and Sweets:

-Arrange the fruits and sweets on a plate and hold it up to the image of Bhuvaneshwari.


"Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, I offer these fruits and sweets in gratitude for the abundance and sweetness in my life. May I always honor and cherish the blessings you bestow."

7. Prayer and Gratitude:

-Close your eyes and place your hands in prayer position.

-Reflect on the nurturing and expansive nature of Bhuvaneshwari.


"Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, I am grateful for your boundless love and wisdom. I honor your presence in my life and vow to embody your compassion and nurturing spirit. May all beings be blessed with your divine grace."

8. Meditation:

-Spend a few moments in silent meditation, focusing on the energy of Bhuvaneshwari. Visualize her radiant light filling your heart and expanding outward, encompassing the entire universe.

9. Closing the Ritual:

-Extinguish the candle, symbolizing the completion of the ritual.


"Thank you, Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, for your blessings and presence. May your light and love always guide me."

-Ring the bell or chime gently to close the ritual.


After the Ritual:

1. Share the offered fruits and sweets with family, friends, or those in need, honoring the spirit of Bhuvaneshwari.

2. Keep the altar clean and refreshed, with regular offerings of flowers, grains, and fruits.

3. Reflect on the ritual and the sense of gratitude, compassion, and abundance it instills in your daily life.



Performing this ritual in honor of Goddess Bhuvaneshwari helps cultivate a deeper connection with her divine energy and brings a sense of peace, wisdom, and nurturing into your life. By honoring her, you invite her blessings and embrace the sacred aspects of the divine feminine, fostering a harmonious and compassionate existence.


An additional invocation to Bhuvaneshwari:

Find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably and focus your mind. Light a candle and some incense to create a sacred atmosphere. Place a small offering of fresh flowers or fruits on your altar. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and begin the invocation.

"O radiant Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, Queen of the Universe, With deepest reverence, I call upon your divine presence. You who embody the vastness of the cosmos and the nurturing essence of creation, Envelop me in your boundless compassion and wisdom.

Mother of all beings, you who hold the stars in your embrace, Grant me the vision to see beyond the material realm, To understand the interconnectedness of all life, And to honor the sacred thread that binds us all.

In your serene countenance, I find peace and tranquility, In your compassionate gaze, I find solace and strength. Guide me to embody your nurturing spirit, To act with kindness, patience, and love in all my endeavors.

As the sovereign of the universe, you who command the elements, Teach me to harmonize with the rhythms of nature, To respect and cherish the Earth and all its creatures, And to live in alignment with your divine will.

I offer you my heartfelt devotion and gratitude, For the countless blessings you bestow upon me. May your divine light illuminate my path, Filling my life with your grace and wisdom.

O Bhuvaneshwari, infinite and all-encompassing, Bless me with the clarity to navigate life's challenges, The compassion to support and nurture others, And the strength to uphold truth and justice.

With every breath, I draw in your nurturing energy, With every heartbeat, I resonate with your divine essence. May your presence be a constant source of inspiration and guidance, Leading me towards a life of harmony, abundance, and spiritual fulfillment.

Om Aim Hrim Shrim Klim Bhuvaneshwaryai Namah, I bow to you, O divine Queen of the Universe, With humility, love, and unwavering devotion."

Sit quietly for a few moments, absorbing the energy of the invocation. Feel the presence of Goddess Bhuvaneshwari surrounding you, filling you with peace and strength. When you are ready, slowly open your eyes and carry her blessings with you throughout your day.

This additional invocation aims to deepen your connection with Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, invoking her divine presence and seeking her guidance and blessings in your spiritual journey and everyday life.

Mantras and Prayers for Goddess Bhuvaneshwari:

Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, one of the ten Mahavidyas in Hinduism, is revered for her cosmic power and divine grace. Here are some mantras and prayers dedicated to her:

Bhuvaneshwari Mantras

1. Bhuvaneshwari Beej Mantra

Om Aim Hreem Kleem Shreem Swaha

2. Bhuvaneshwari Gayatri Mantra

Om Jabaalaaya Vidmahe Mahasenaaya Dheemahi Tanno Devi Prachodayaat

3. Bhuvaneshwari Maha Mantra

Hreem Om Namah Shivaya Hreem


1. Bhuvaneshwari Stotram

Namami Twaam Mahaamaye Shreepeethe Surapoojite।
Shankarasya Priyam Jayaam Bhuvaneshwari Namo'stu Te॥

2. Bhuvaneshwari Ashtakam

Bhuvaneshwari Ashtakam is a set of eight verses praising the Goddess.

Here's an excerpt:

Twam Moolaprakritir Devi Twam Swaha Twam Swadha Swati।
Sudha Twam Shrutira Devi Nitya Twam Vaishnavi Tatha॥

Simple Prayer to Goddess Bhuvaneshwari

O Divine Mother Bhuvaneshwari, ruler of the universe, I seek your blessings and protection. May your grace guide me and bring peace, prosperity, and happiness into my life. Om Bhuvaneshwariyai Namah.

These mantras and prayers can be recited during meditation, pooja (worship), or as part of a daily spiritual practice to invoke the blessings and presence of Goddess Bhuvaneshwari.

To learn more about Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, you can explore a variety of resources, including books, websites, videos, and spiritual centers. Here are some recommendations:


1. "Shakti Mantras: Tapping into the Great Goddess Energy Within" by Thomas Ashley-Farrand

This book provides detailed information about various mantras dedicated to different forms of the Divine Feminine, including Goddess Bhuvaneshwari.

2. "Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine: The Ten Mahavidyas" by David Kinsley

This scholarly book delves into the ten Mahavidyas, including Bhuvaneshwari, exploring their significance, myths, and worship practices.

3. "Hymns to the Goddess and Hymn to Kali" by Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon)

A classic text that includes translations and explanations of hymns dedicated to various goddesses, providing insight into their worship.


Offers articles and resources on Hindu deities, including Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, with information on mythology, worship, and symbolism.

Provides detailed descriptions of the ten Mahavidyas and their significance in Tantra and Hinduism.

Learn Religions

Contains articles on Hindu deities and practices, including the worship of Goddess Bhuvaneshwari.


YouTube Channels

-Spiritual Sutras: Provides explanations and recitations of various mantras and prayers.
-Sadhguru: Offers insights into the spiritual significance of goddesses and their worship in contemporary practices.
-Hindu Academy: Features educational content about Hindu deities, rituals, and philosophies.

Documentaries and Lectures

Search for documentaries on Hinduism, Tantra, and the Mahavidyas on platforms like YouTube and Netflix for more visual and in-depth learning.

Spiritual Centers and Ashrams

Sri Vidya Temples

Visit temples dedicated to Sri Vidya or the Divine Mother, where priests and devotees can provide more information about Bhuvaneshwari and her worship.
Ramakrishna Mission and Vedanta Society

These centers often have libraries and offer classes or lectures on Hindu deities and spiritual practices.

Local Hindu Temples

Engage with the community and participate in temple activities, festivals, and discussions to learn more about the worship of Goddess Bhuvaneshwari.

Online Courses and Webinars

Udemy and Coursera

Look for courses on Hindu mythology, Tantra, and spiritual practices that may cover topics related to Goddess Bhuvaneshwari.

Webinars by Spiritual Gurus

Many spiritual leaders and organizations offer webinars and online satsangs focusing on different aspects of Hindu spirituality, including goddess worship.

By exploring these resources, you can gain a deeper understanding of Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, her significance, and the ways to incorporate her worship into your spiritual practice.